Class CreateFunctionCmd

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class CreateFunctionCmd extends BackgroundCommand<Program>
Command for Creating a function at an address. It will copy off the parameters used to create the function (Selection or just an address) and create the function on redo and clear on undo.
  • Constructor Details

    • CreateFunctionCmd

      public CreateFunctionCmd(String name, AddressSetView entries, AddressSetView body, SourceType source, boolean findEntryPoint, boolean recreateFunction)
      Constructs a new command for creating a function. The default name for a function is the name associated with the current primary symbol which will be removed.
      name - function name or null for default name.
      entries - the entry points at which to create functions.
      body - set of addresses to associated with the function to be created. The addresses must not already be included in the body of any existing function.
      source - the source of this function
      findEntryPoint - true if the entry point should be computed (entry could be in the middle of a function)
      recreateFunction - true if the function body should be recreated even if the function exists.
    • CreateFunctionCmd

      public CreateFunctionCmd(String name, Address entry, AddressSetView body, SourceType source, boolean findEntryPoint, boolean recreateFunction)
      Constructs a new command for creating a function. The default name for a function is the name associated with the current primary symbol which will be removed.
      name - function name or null for default name.
      entry - entry point address for the function to be created.
      body - set of addresses to associated with the function to be created. The addresses must not already be included in the body of any existing function.
      source - the source of this function
      findEntryPoint - true if the entry point should be computed (entry could be in the middle of a function)
      recreateFunction - true if the function body should be recreated even if the function exists.
    • CreateFunctionCmd

      public CreateFunctionCmd(AddressSetView entries, boolean findEntryPoint)
      Constructs a new command for creating functions that automatically computes the body of each function.
      entries - the entry points at which to create functions.
      findEntryPoint - true if entry point is unknown and should be found
    • CreateFunctionCmd

      public CreateFunctionCmd(AddressSetView entries)
      Constructs a new command for creating functions that automatically computes the body of each function.
      entries - the entry points at which to create functions.
    • CreateFunctionCmd

      public CreateFunctionCmd(AddressSetView entries, SourceType source)
      Constructs a new command for creating functions that automatically computes the body of each function.
      entries - the entry points at which to create functions.
      source - SourceType for created function
    • CreateFunctionCmd

      public CreateFunctionCmd(String name, Address entry, AddressSetView body, SourceType source)
    • CreateFunctionCmd

      public CreateFunctionCmd(Address entry)
      Constructs a new command for creating a function that automatically computes the body of the function.
      entry - the entry point at which to create a function.
    • CreateFunctionCmd

      public CreateFunctionCmd(Address entry, boolean findEntryPoint)
  • Method Details

    • applyTo

      public boolean applyTo(Program p, TaskMonitor monitor)
      Description copied from class: BackgroundCommand
      Method called when this command is to apply changes to the given domain object. A monitor is provided to display status information about the command as it executes in the background.
      Specified by:
      applyTo in class BackgroundCommand<Program>
      p - domain object that will be affected by the command
      monitor - monitor to show progress of the command
      true if the command applied successfully
    • getFunction

      public Function getFunction()
      Returns function if create command was successful
      last new created function, null if failed
    • getFunctionBody

      public static AddressSetView getFunctionBody(TaskMonitor monitor, Program program, Address entry)
      Find the function body by following all flows other than a call from the entry point.
      monitor - task monitor
      program - the program where the function is being created.
      entry - entry point to start tracing flow
      AddressSetView address set representing the body of the function
    • getFunctionBody

      public static AddressSetView getFunctionBody(Program program, Address entry)
      Find the function body by following all flows other than a call from the entry point.
      program - the program where the function is being created.
      entry - entry point to start tracing flow
      AddressSetView address set representing the body of the function
    • getFunctionBody

      public static AddressSetView getFunctionBody(Program program, Address entry, TaskMonitor monitor)
    • getFunctionBody

      public static AddressSetView getFunctionBody(Program program, Address entry, boolean includeOtherFunctions, TaskMonitor monitor)
    • fixupFunctionBody

      public static boolean fixupFunctionBody(Program program, Instruction start_inst, TaskMonitor monitor) throws CancelledException
      Recompute function body. An open transaction must already exist.
      program - the program the function is in.
      start_inst - instruction that is within the function to be fixed up.
      monitor - task monitor
      true if successful, false if cancelled or unable to fixup function or no function found containing the start address of the indicated instruction
      CancelledException - if the function fixup is cancelled.
    • fixupFunctionBody

      public static boolean fixupFunctionBody(Program program, Function func, TaskMonitor monitor) throws CancelledException
      Recompute function body. An open transaction must already exist.
      program - the program the function is in.
      func - the function to be fixed up. A null function will return false.
      monitor - task monitor
      true if successful, false if unable to fixup function or no function found containing the start address of the indicated instruction
      CancelledException - if the function fixup is cancelled.