Class ClangStatement

All Implemented Interfaces:
ClangNode, Iterable<ClangNode>

public class ClangStatement extends ClangTokenGroup
A source code statement (as typically terminated by ';' in C) A statement must have a p-code operation associated with it. In the case of conditional flow control operations, there are usually two lines associated with the statement one containing the '{' and one containing '}'. The one containing the actual conditional branch is considered a C statement, while the other one is just considered a blank line. I.e. if (expression) { is a C statement, while the line containing the closing '}' by itself is considered blank
  • Constructor Details

    • ClangStatement

      public ClangStatement(ClangNode par)
  • Method Details

    • getPcodeOp

      public PcodeOp getPcodeOp()
      the (final) p-code operation associated with the statement.
    • decode

      public void decode(Decoder decoder, PcodeFactory pfactory) throws DecoderException
      Description copied from class: ClangTokenGroup
      Decode this text from an encoded stream.
      decode in class ClangTokenGroup
      decoder - is the decoder for the stream
      pfactory - is used to look up p-code attributes to associate with tokens
      DecoderException - for problems decoding the stream