Interface ClangNode

All Known Implementing Classes:
ClangBreak, ClangCaseToken, ClangCommentToken, ClangFieldToken, ClangFuncNameToken, ClangFuncProto, ClangFunction, ClangLabelToken, ClangOpToken, ClangReturnType, ClangStatement, ClangSyntaxToken, ClangToken, ClangTokenGroup, ClangTypeToken, ClangVariableDecl, ClangVariableToken

public interface ClangNode
A collection of source code text elements, with associated attributes, grouped in a tree structure.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Child(int i)
    Get the i-th child grouping
    Flatten this text into a list of tokens (see ClangToken)
    Get the text representing an entire function of which this is part.
    Get the biggest Program address associated with the code that this text represents
    Get the smallest Program address associated with the code that this text represents
    Return the number of immediate groupings this text breaks up into
    Get the immediate grouping (parent) containing this text element.
    Set a highlighting background color for all text elements
  • Method Details

    • Parent

      ClangNode Parent()
      Get the immediate grouping (parent) containing this text element. If this is a complete document, null is returned.
      the parent grouping or null
    • getMinAddress

      Address getMinAddress()
      Get the smallest Program address associated with the code that this text represents
      the smallest Address
    • getMaxAddress

      Address getMaxAddress()
      Get the biggest Program address associated with the code that this text represents
      the biggest Address
    • setHighlight

      void setHighlight(Color c)
      Set a highlighting background color for all text elements
      c - is the color to set
    • numChildren

      int numChildren()
      Return the number of immediate groupings this text breaks up into
      the number of child groupings
    • Child

      ClangNode Child(int i)
      Get the i-th child grouping
      i - is the index selecting the grouping
      the selected grouping
    • getClangFunction

      ClangFunction getClangFunction()
      Get the text representing an entire function of which this is part.
      text for the whole function
    • flatten

      void flatten(List<ClangNode> list)
      Flatten this text into a list of tokens (see ClangToken)
      list - is the container that will contain the tokens