Class DecompileProcess


public class DecompileProcess extends Object
Class for communicating with a single decompiler process. The process controls decompilation for a single Program. The process is initiated by the registerProgram method. If the process is ready, the statusGood flag will be set to true. This flag must be checked via the isReady method prior to invoking any of the public methods. If the process isn't ready, the only way to recover is by reissuing the registerProgram call and making any other necessary initialization calls.
  • Constructor Details

    • DecompileProcess

      public DecompileProcess(String path)
  • Method Details

    • dispose

      public void dispose()
    • getDisposeState

      public DecompileProcess.DisposeState getDisposeState()
    • registerProgram

      public void registerProgram(DecompileCallback cback, String pspecxml, String cspecxml, String tspecxml, String coretypesxml, Program program) throws IOException, DecompileException
      Initialize decompiler for a particular platform
      cback - = callback object for decompiler
      pspecxml - = string containing .pspec xml
      cspecxml - = string containing .cspec xml
      tspecxml - = XML string containing translator spec
      coretypesxml - = XML description of core data-types
      program - is the program being registered
      IOException - for problems with the pipe to the decompiler process
      DecompileException - for problems executing the command
    • deregisterProgram

      public int deregisterProgram() throws IOException, DecompileException
      Free decompiler resources
      1 if a program was actively deregistered, 0 otherwise
      IOException - for problems with the pipe to the decompiler
      DecompileException - for problems executing the command
    • sendCommand

      public void sendCommand(String command, ByteIngest response) throws IOException, DecompileException
      Send a single command to the decompiler with no parameters and return response
      command - is the name of the command to execute
      response - the response accumulator
      IOException - for any problems with the pipe to the decompiler process
      DecompileException - for any problems executing the command
    • isReady

      public boolean isReady()
    • sendCommandTimeout

      public void sendCommandTimeout(String command, int timeoutSecs, DecompInterface.EncodeDecodeSet encodeSet) throws IOException, DecompileException
      Execute a command with a timeout. Parameters are in the encodingSet.mainQuery. The response gets written to encodingSet.mainResponse.
      command - the decompiler should execute
      timeoutSecs - the number of seconds to run before timing out
      encodeSet - contains encoded parameters and the response container
      IOException - for any problems with the pipe to the decompiler process
      DecompileException - for any problems while executing the command
    • sendCommand2Params

      public void sendCommand2Params(String command, String param1, String param2, ByteIngest response) throws IOException, DecompileException
      Send a command with 2 parameters to the decompiler and read the result
      command - string to send
      param1 - is the first parameter string
      param2 - is the second parameter string
      response - the response accumulator
      IOException - for any problems with the pipe to the decompiler process
      DecompileException - for problems executing the command
    • setMaxResultSize

      public void setMaxResultSize(int maxResultSizeMBytes)
      Set an upper limit on the amount of data that can be sent back by the decompiler in response to a single command.
      maxResultSizeMBytes - is the maximum size in megabytes
    • sendCommand1Param

      public void sendCommand1Param(String command, CachedEncoder param1, ByteIngest response) throws IOException, DecompileException
      Send a command to the decompiler with one parameter and return the result
      command - is the command string
      param1 - is the encoded parameter
      response - is the result accumulator
      IOException - for problems with the pipe to the decompiler process
      DecompileException - for problems executing the command
    • sendCommand1Param

      public void sendCommand1Param(String command, String param1, ByteIngest response) throws IOException, DecompileException
      Send a command to the decompiler with one parameter and return the result
      command - is the command string
      param1 - is the parameter encoded as a string
      response - is the result accumulator
      IOException - for problems with the pipe to the decompiler process
      DecompileException - for problems executing the command