Class DebugSignature

Direct Known Subclasses:
BlockSignature, CopySignature, VarnodeSignature

public abstract class DebugSignature extends Object
A feature extracted from a function, with an additional description of what information is incorporated into the feature. The feature may incorporate data-flow and/or control-flow information from the function. Internally, the feature is a 32-bit hash of this information, but derived classes from this abstract class include more detailed information about how the hash was formed.
  • Field Details

    • hash

      public int hash
  • Constructor Details

    • DebugSignature

      public DebugSignature()
  • Method Details

    • decode

      public abstract void decode(Decoder decoder) throws DecoderException
      Decode the feature from a stream.
      decoder - is the stream decoder
      DecoderException - for problems reading the stream
    • printRaw

      public abstract void printRaw(Language language, StringBuffer buf)
      Write a brief description of this feature to the given StringBuffer.
      language - is the underlying language of the function
      buf - is the given StringBuffer
    • decodeSignatures

      public static ArrayList<DebugSignature> decodeSignatures(Decoder decoder, Function func) throws DecoderException
      Decode an array of features from the stream. Collectively, the features make up a "feature vector" for a specific function. Each feature is returned as a separate descriptive object.
      decoder - is the stream decoder
      func - is the specific function whose feature vector is being decoded
      the array of feature objects
      DecoderException - for problems reading from the stream