Class FunctionTagMerger

All Implemented Interfaces:
ListingMergeConstants, MergeResolver

public class FunctionTagMerger extends Object implements MergeResolver, ListingMergeConstants
Class for merging function tag changes. Most tag differences can be easily auto-merged, which is to say the result will be the set of all of tags from both program 1 and program 2. Conflicts arise when both parties have edited/deleted the same tag. The specific cases handled by the class are described below, where: - X and Y are tags - X(A) means to take A's version of tag X - ** indicates a conflict - NP means the situation is not possible User A | Add X Add Y Delete X Delete Y Edit X Edit Y | User B | --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Add X | X X,Y NP X NP X,Y(A) | Add Y | X,Y Y Y NP X(A),Y NP | Delete X | NP Y - - ** Y(A) | Delete Y | X NP - - X(A) ** | Edit X | NP X(B),Y ** X(B) ** X(B),Y(A) | Edit Y | X,Y(B) NP Y(B) ** X(A),Y(B) **
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • FunctionTagMerger

      public FunctionTagMerger(ProgramMultiUserMergeManager mergeManager, Program resultPgm, Program originalPgm, Program latestPgm, Program myPgm, ProgramChangeSet latestChanges, ProgramChangeSet myChanges)
      mergeManager - the merge manager
      resultPgm - the program storing the result of the merge
      originalPgm - the state of the program before any changes
      latestPgm - the checked in program version
      myPgm - the checked out program version
      latestChanges - tag changes in Latest
      myChanges - tag changes in My
  • Method Details

    • getName

      public String getName()
      Specified by:
      getName in interface MergeResolver
    • getDescription

      public String getDescription()
      Description copied from interface: MergeResolver
      Get the description of what this MergeResolver does.
      Specified by:
      getDescription in interface MergeResolver
    • apply

      public void apply()
      Description copied from interface: MergeResolver
      Notification that the apply button was hit.
      Specified by:
      apply in interface MergeResolver
    • cancel

      public void cancel()
      Description copied from interface: MergeResolver
      Notification that the merge process was canceled.
      Specified by:
      cancel in interface MergeResolver
    • merge

      public void merge(TaskMonitor monitor) throws Exception
      Description copied from interface: MergeResolver
      Perform the merge process.
      Specified by:
      merge in interface MergeResolver
      monitor - monitor that allows the user to cancel the merge operation
      Exception - if the merge encounters an error and the merge process should not continue.
    • getPhases

      public String[][] getPhases()
      Description copied from interface: MergeResolver
      Gets identifiers for the merge phases handled by this MergeResolver. If the merge has no sub-phases then return an array with a single string array. Each inner String array indicates a path for a single merge phase. Each outer array element represents a phase whose progress we wish to indicate.
      So for a simple phase which has no sub-phases return new String[][] {new String[] {"Phase A"}}
      So for a phase with 2 sub-phases return new String[][] { new String[] {"Phase A"}, new String[] {"Phase A", "Sub-Phase 1}, new String[] {"Phase A", "Sub-Phase 2} } .
      Specified by:
      getPhases in interface MergeResolver
      an array of phases.
    • setConflictResolution

      public void setConflictResolution(int option)
      For JUnit testing only, set the option for resolving a conflict.
      option -