
  • Class
    Abstract class for a GUI panel that allows the user to select choices for resolving conflicts.
    This is a class with static methods for obtaining information about a code unit and its references.
    ConflictInfoPanel appears above the 4 listings in the ListingMergeWindow.
    Abstract class that should be implemented by the conflict panel that appears below the 4 listings in the merge window.
    ExternalConflictInfoPanel appears above the 4 listings in the ListingMergeWindow.
    Class for merging external function and label changes.
    Manages external program name changes and conflicts between the latest versioned program and the modified program being checked into version control.
    ExternalsAddressTranslator is a translator that can be used for merging external functions and labels.
    Handles merging of function tags when they are added/removed from functions.
    Class for merging function tag changes.
    ListingMergeConstants is an interface that provides constants that are used throughout all of the Listing merge managers for multi-user.
    Manages program listing changes and conflicts between the latest versioned program (LATEST) and the modified program (MY) being checked into version control.
    ProgramContextMergeManager merges register value changes for multi-user program versions.
    ScrollingListChoicesPanel provides a table type of format for resolving Each row that has choices represents the choices for a single conflict.
    VariousChoicesPanel provides a table type of format for resolving multiple conflicts in one panel.
    VerticalChoicesPanel is a conflict panel for the Listing Merge.