Class ListingMergeManager

All Implemented Interfaces:
ListingMergeConstants, MergeResolver

public class ListingMergeManager extends Object implements MergeResolver, ListingMergeConstants
Manages program listing changes and conflicts between the latest versioned program (LATEST) and the modified program (MY) being checked into version control.
Listing changes include:
  • bytes
  • code units [instructions and data]
  • equates
  • functions
  • symbols
  • references [memory, stack, and external]
  • comments [plate, pre, end-of-line, repeatable, and post]
  • properties
  • bookmarks
  • Constructor Details

    • ListingMergeManager

      public ListingMergeManager(ProgramMultiUserMergeManager mergeManager, Program resultPgm, Program originalPgm, Program latestPgm, Program myPgm, ProgramChangeSet latestChanges, ProgramChangeSet myChanges)
      Manages listing changes and conflicts between the latest versioned program and the modified program being checked into version control.
      mergeManager - the top level merge manager for merging a program version.
      resultPgm - the program to be updated with the result of the merge. This is the program that will actually get checked in.
      originalPgm - the program that was checked out.
      latestPgm - the latest checked-in version of the program.
      myPgm - the program requesting to be checked in.
      latestChanges - the address set of changes between original and latest versioned program.
      myChanges - the address set of changes between original and my modified program.
  • Method Details

    • getFunctionTagListingMerger

      public FunctionTagListingMerger getFunctionTagListingMerger()
    • setShowListingPanel

      public void setShowListingPanel(boolean showListingPanel)
      True signals to show the listing panel (default); false signals to show an empty listing (faster)
      showListingPanel -
    • apply

      public void apply()
      Description copied from interface: MergeResolver
      Notification that the apply button was hit.
      Specified by:
      apply in interface MergeResolver
    • cancel

      public void cancel()
      Description copied from interface: MergeResolver
      Notification that the merge process was canceled.
      Specified by:
      cancel in interface MergeResolver
    • getDescription

      public String getDescription()
      Description copied from interface: MergeResolver
      Get the description of what this MergeResolver does.
      Specified by:
      getDescription in interface MergeResolver
    • getName

      public String getName()
      Description copied from interface: MergeResolver
      Get the name of this MergeResolver.
      Specified by:
      getName in interface MergeResolver
    • merge

      public void merge(TaskMonitor monitor) throws ProgramConflictException, MemoryAccessException
      Description copied from interface: MergeResolver
      Perform the merge process.
      Specified by:
      merge in interface MergeResolver
      monitor - monitor that allows the user to cancel the merge operation
    • initMergeInfo

      public void initMergeInfo()
      Sets up the change address sets, Diffs between the various program versions, and Merges from various versions to the resulting program.
    • getMergedCodeUnits

      public AddressSet getMergedCodeUnits()
      Gets the address set for the code units that were changed in the result by the merge.
      the address set indicating the code units that changed in the result program due to the merge
    • getPhases

      public String[][] getPhases()
      This method returns all of the phases of the Listing Merge Manager that will be displayed in the Program Merge Manager. The first item is a phase indicator for the Listing Phase as a whole and the others are for each sub-phase of the Listing.
      Specified by:
      getPhases in interface MergeResolver
      an array of phases.