Class VariousChoicesPanel

All Implemented Interfaces:
ImageObserver, MenuContainer, Serializable, Accessible

public class VariousChoicesPanel extends ConflictPanel
VariousChoicesPanel provides a table type of format for resolving multiple conflicts in one panel. Each row that has choices represents the choices for a single conflict. So each row can have multiple radio buttons or multiple check boxes. At least one choice must be made in each row that provides choices before this panel will indicate that all choices are resolved.
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • VariousChoicesPanel

      public VariousChoicesPanel()
      Constructor for a various choices panel.
    • VariousChoicesPanel

      public VariousChoicesPanel(boolean isDoubleBuffered)
      Constructor for a various choices panel.
      isDoubleBuffered - true if double buffered
  • Method Details

    • getUseForAllChoice

      public int getUseForAllChoice()
      Description copied from class: ConflictPanel
      Returns an int value that indicates the choices currently selected for the Use For All choice in the conflict resolution table. If there are multiple rows of choices, then all selected choices must be the same for each row or 0 is returned. Each button or check box has an associated value that can be bitwise 'OR'ed together to get the entire choice for the row.
      Specified by:
      getUseForAllChoice in class ConflictPanel
      the choice(s) currently selected.
    • allChoicesAreResolved

      public boolean allChoicesAreResolved()
      Returns true if the user made a selection for every conflict in the table.
      Specified by:
      allChoicesAreResolved in class ChoiceComponent
      true if all conflicts are resolved.
    • allChoicesAreSame

      public boolean allChoicesAreSame()
      Returns true if the user made a selection for every conflict in the table and made the same choice for every row.
      Specified by:
      allChoicesAreSame in class ChoiceComponent
      true if all conflicts are resolved the same.
    • getNumConflictsResolved

      public int getNumConflictsResolved()
      Description copied from class: ChoiceComponent
      Returns the number of conflicts that have currently been resolved in this GUI component.
      Specified by:
      getNumConflictsResolved in class ChoiceComponent
      the number resolved.
    • removeAllListeners

      public void removeAllListeners()
      Description copied from class: ConflictPanel
      Removes all listeners that were set on this panel for indicating user choices were being made or changed.
      Specified by:
      removeAllListeners in class ConflictPanel
    • clear

      public void clear()
      Removes header text for this panel and all table/row information.
      Specified by:
      clear in class ConflictPanel
    • adjustUseForAllEnablement

      public void adjustUseForAllEnablement()
      Adjusts the enablement of the Use For All checkbox based on whether choices have been made for all the conflicts currently on the screen and whether the same choice was made for all conflicts on the screen.
    • hasChoice

      public boolean hasChoice()
      Description copied from class: ConflictPanel
      Returns true if the conflict panel currently provides at least one choice to the user.
      Specified by:
      hasChoice in class ConflictPanel
      true if the panel has a choice the user can select.