Class ListingMergePanel

All Implemented Interfaces:
MergeConstants, CodeFormatService, FocusListener, ImageObserver, MenuContainer, Serializable, EventListener, Accessible

public class ListingMergePanel extends JPanel implements MergeConstants, FocusListener, CodeFormatService
See Also:
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • setTopComponent

      public void setTopComponent(JComponent comp)
    • setBottomComponent

      public void setBottomComponent(JComponent comp)
    • getFocusedProgram

      public Program getFocusedProgram()
    • getFocusedListingPanel

      public ListingPanel getFocusedListingPanel()
    • getResultPanel

      public ListingPanel getResultPanel()
    • goTo

      public void goTo(Address addr)
    • goTo

      public void goTo(Address addr, int programIndex)
    • goTo

      public void goTo(ProgramLocation loc, boolean centerOnScreen)
    • setViewToProgram

      public void setViewToProgram(int programIndex)
    • emptyViewForProgram

      public void emptyViewForProgram(int programIndex)
    • paintAllBackgrounds

      public void paintAllBackgrounds(AddressSetView addrSet)
      Color the background of all 4 listings to the indicated color for the indicated addresses.
      addrSet - the addresses
    • clearAllBackgrounds

      public void clearAllBackgrounds()
      Color the background of all 4 listings to the default color for all addresses.
    • dispose

      public void dispose()
    • focusGained

      public void focusGained(FocusEvent e)
      Specified by:
      focusGained in interface FocusListener
      See Also:
    • focusLost

      public void focusLost(FocusEvent e)
      Specified by:
      focusLost in interface FocusListener
      See Also:
    • getActionContext

      public Object getActionContext(MouseEvent event)
    • addButtonPressedListener

      public void addButtonPressedListener(ButtonPressedListener listener)
      Adds a button press listener.
      listener - the listener to add.
    • getProgram

      public Program getProgram(int version)
      Get the indicated program version.
      version - LATEST, CHECKED_OUT, ORIGINAL, RESULT from MergeConstants
      the program
    • addDomainObjectListener

      public void addDomainObjectListener()
      Add the result program's listing model as a listener to the result program for domain object events.
    • removeDomainObjectListener

      public void removeDomainObjectListener()
      Remove the result program's listing model as a listener to the result program for domain object events.
    • setAddressTranslator

      public void setAddressTranslator(AddressTranslator translator)
    • getFormatManager

      public FormatManager getFormatManager()
      Specified by:
      getFormatManager in interface CodeFormatService
    • getVersionName

      public String getVersionName(Program program)