Class MergeUtilities


public class MergeUtilities extends Object
MergeUtilities provides generic static methods for use by the multi-user program merge managers.
  • Constructor Details

    • MergeUtilities

      public MergeUtilities()
  • Method Details

    • adjustSets

      public static void adjustSets(AddressSetView latestDiffs, AddressSetView myDiffs, AddressSet autoChanges, AddressSet conflictChanges)
      Adds addresses to autoChanges where there are changes in the myDiffs set, but none in the latestDiffs set. Adds addresses to conflictChanges where there are changes in the myDiffs set and also some changes in the latestDiffs set.
      latestDiffs - the address set of the changes in LATEST.
      myDiffs - the address set of the changes in MY.
      autoChanges - address set for the myDiffs non-conflicting changes.
      conflictChanges - address set for the myDiffs conflicting changes