Class AssemblyConstructorSemantic

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class AssemblyConstructorSemantic extends Object implements Comparable<AssemblyConstructorSemantic>
Describes a SLEIGH constructor semantic

These are collected and associated with productions in the grammar based on the given constructor's print pieces.

  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • AssemblyConstructorSemantic

      public AssemblyConstructorSemantic(AbstractAssemblyResolutionFactory<?,?> factory, Constructor cons, List<Integer> indices)
      Build a new SLEIGH constructor semantic
      cons - the SLEIGH constructor
      indices - the indices of RHS non-terminals in the associated production that represent an operand in the SLEIGH constructor
  • Method Details

    • addPattern

      public void addPattern(DisjointPattern pat)
      Record a pattern that would select the constructor
      pat - the pattern
    • addPattern

      public void addPattern(AssemblyResolvedPatterns pat)
      Record a pattern that would select the constructor
      pat - the pattern
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object
    • getLocation

      public static String getLocation(Constructor cons)
      Render the constructor's source location for diagnostics
      cons - the constructor
      the location as file:lineno
    • getLocation

      public String getLocation()
      Render this constructor's source location for diagnostics
      the location
    • getConstructor

      public Constructor getConstructor()
      Get the SLEIGH constructor
      the constructor
    • getPatterns

      public Collection<AssemblyResolvedPatterns> getPatterns()
      Get the associated encoding patterns for the constructor
      the patterns
    • getOperandIndex

      public int getOperandIndex(int printpos)
      Convert the index of a print piece to its associated operand index
      printpos - position excluding whitespace and string tokens.
      the operand index
    • getOperandIndices

      public List<Integer> getOperandIndices()
      Get the list of operand indices in print piece order
      the list
    • getOperandIndexIterator

      public Iterator<Integer> getOperandIndexIterator()
      Get an iterator over the operand indices

      If this iterator is advanced for each non-terminal, while simultaneously iterating over the RHS of the associated production, then this will identify the corresponding operand index for each non-terminal

      the iterator
    • computeAllForbids

      protected void computeAllForbids()
      Initialize upatterns with an unmodifiable copy of patterns, with forbidden patterns added
    • withComputedForbids

      protected AssemblyResolvedPatterns withComputedForbids(AssemblyResolvedPatterns pat)
      Add the list of forbidden patterns to one of the constructor's patterns

      SLEIGH disambiguates multiple matching pattern by two rules. First, if one is more specific than ("specializes") another, i.e., it matches on more bits than another pattern, the more specific pattern is chosen. Second, if the two are equally special, then the one that occurs first in the SLEIGH specification is taken. So, during resolution, if a less-special or later-occurring constructor is chosen, we must prevent continued resolution from matching the more-special or earlier-occurring pattern(s).

      Essentially, this states, "you may choose any value matching my pattern, except those that match these forbidden patterns."

      This takes a given pattern, and searches the rest of the language for any patterns that would take precedence, and combines them as forbidden patterns with the given pattern.

      pat - the given pattern
      the same pattern with forbidden records added
    • solveContextChanges

      public AssemblyResolution solveContextChanges(AssemblyResolvedPatterns res, Map<String,Long> vals)
      Solve this constructor's context changes

      Each value in opvals must either be a numeric value, e.g., an index from a varnode list, or another AssemblyResolvedPatterns for a subconstructor operand.

      It's helpful to think of the SLEIGH disassembly process here. Normally, once the appropriate constructor has been identified (by matching patterns), its context changes are applied, and then its operands parsed (possibly parsing subconstructor operands). Thus, res can be thought of as the intermediate result between applying context changes and parsing operands, except in reverse. The output of this method corresponds to the state before context changes were applied, i.e., immediately after selecting the constructor. Thus, in reverse, the context is solved immediately before applying the selected constructor patterns.

      res - the combined resolution requirements derived from the subconstructors
      vals - any defined symbols (usually inst_start, and inst_next)
      the resolution with context changes applied in reverse, or an error
    • applyContextChangesForward

      public AssemblyResolvedPatterns applyContextChangesForward(Map<String,Long> vals, AssemblyResolvedPatterns fromLeft)
      Apply just context transformations in the forward (disassembly) direction

      Unlike the usual disassembly process, this method does not take into account any information from the instruction encoding. Any context bits that depend on it are set to unknown (x) in the output. This method is used to pre-compute a context transition graph in order to quickly resolve purely-recursive semantics on the root constructor table.

      fromLeft - the state before context changes
      the state after context changes
    • applyPatternsForward

      public Stream<AssemblyResolvedPatterns> applyPatternsForward(int shift, AssemblyResolvedPatterns fromLeft)
      Apply just the instruction patterns in the forward (disassembly) direction
      shift - the (right) shift in bytes to apply to the patterns before combining
      fromLeft - the accumulated patterns from the left sibling or parent
    • compareTo

      public int compareTo(AssemblyConstructorSemantic that)
      Specified by:
      compareTo in interface Comparable<AssemblyConstructorSemantic>