Class PcodeEmitObjects


public class PcodeEmitObjects extends PcodeEmit
  • Constructor Details

    • PcodeEmitObjects

      public PcodeEmitObjects(ParserWalker walk)
      Pcode emitter constructor for producing PcodeOp objects for unimplemented, snippets or empty responses when PcodeEmit.getFallOffset() will not be used.
      walk - state of the ParserContext from which to generate p-code
    • PcodeEmitObjects

      public PcodeEmitObjects(ParserWalker walk, int fallOffset)
      Pcode emitter constructor for producing PcodeOp objects for unimplemented, snippets or empty responses.
      walk - state of the ParserContext from which to generate p-code
      fallOffset - default fall-through offset (i.e., the full length of instruction including delay-sloted instructions)
    • PcodeEmitObjects

      public PcodeEmitObjects(ParserWalker walk, InstructionContext ictx, int fallOffset, PcodeOverride override)
      walk - state of the ParserContext from which to generate p-code
      ictx - is the InstructionContext used to resolve delayslot and crossbuild directives
      fallOffset - default instruction fall offset (i.e., instruction length including delay slotted instructions)
      override - required if pcode overrides are to be utilized
  • Method Details

    • getPcodeOp

      public PcodeOp[] getPcodeOp()
    • resolveRelatives

      public void resolveRelatives()
      Description copied from class: PcodeEmit
      Now that we have seen all label templates and references convert the collected references into full relative addresses
      Specified by:
      resolveRelatives in class PcodeEmit