Interface PcodeOverride

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface PcodeOverride
  • Method Details

    • getInstructionStart

      Address getInstructionStart()
      current instruction address
    • getFlowOverride

      FlowOverride getFlowOverride()
      Get the flow override which may have been applied to the current instruction.
      flow override or null
    • getOverridingReference

      Address getOverridingReference(RefType type)
      Get the primary overriding reference address of RefType type from the current instruction
      type - type of reference
      call reference address or null
    • getFallThroughOverride

      Address getFallThroughOverride()
      Get the fall-through override address which may have been applied to the current instruction.
      fall-through override address or null
    • hasCallFixup

      boolean hasCallFixup(Address callDestAddr)
      Returns the call-fixup for a specified call destination.
      callDestAddr - call destination address. This address is used to identify a function which may have been tagged with a CallFixup.
      true if call destination function has been tagged with a call-fixup
    • getCallFixup

      InjectPayload getCallFixup(Address callDestAddr)
      Returns the call-fixup for a specified call destination. If the destination function has not be tagged or was tagged with an unknown CallFixup name this method will return null.
      callDestAddr - call destination address. This address is used to identify a function which may have been tagged with a CallFixup.
      call fixup object or null
    • setCallOverrideRefApplied

      void setCallOverrideRefApplied()
      Register that a call override has been applied at the current instruction.
    • isCallOverrideRefApplied

      boolean isCallOverrideRefApplied()
      Returns a boolean indicating whether a call override has been applied at the current instruction
      has call override been applied
    • setJumpOverrideRefApplied

      void setJumpOverrideRefApplied()
      Register that a jump override has been applied at the current instruction
    • isJumpOverrideRefApplied

      boolean isJumpOverrideRefApplied()
      Returns a boolean indicating whether a jump override has been applied at the current instruction
      has jump override been applied
    • setCallOtherCallOverrideRefApplied

      void setCallOtherCallOverrideRefApplied()
      Register that a callother call override has been applied at the current instruction
    • isCallOtherCallOverrideRefApplied

      boolean isCallOtherCallOverrideRefApplied()
      Returns a boolean indicating whether a callother call override has been applied at the current instruction
      has callother call override been applied
    • setCallOtherJumpOverrideRefApplied

      void setCallOtherJumpOverrideRefApplied()
      Register that a callother jump override has been applied at the current instruction
    • isCallOtherJumpOverrideApplied

      boolean isCallOtherJumpOverrideApplied()
      Returns a boolean indicating whether a callother jump override has been applied at the current instruction
      has callother jump override been applied
    • hasPotentialOverride

      boolean hasPotentialOverride()
      Returns a boolean indicating whether there are any primary overriding references at the current instruction
      are there primary overriding references
    • getPrimaryCallReference

      @Deprecated Address getPrimaryCallReference()
      Get the primary call reference address from the current instruction
      call reference address or null