Interface InjectPayload

All Known Implementing Classes:
InjectPayloadCallfixup, InjectPayloadCallfixupError, InjectPayloadCallother, InjectPayloadCallotherError, InjectPayloadJumpAssist, InjectPayloadSegment, InjectPayloadSleigh

public interface InjectPayload
InjectPayload encapsulates a semantic (p-code) override which can be injected into analyses that work with p-code (Decompiler, SymbolicPropagator) The payload typically replaces either a subroutine call or a userop
  • Field Details

  • Method Details

    • getName

      String getName()
      formal name for this injection
    • getType

      int getType()
      the type of this injection: CALLFIXUP_TYPE, CALLMECHANISM_TYPE, etc.
    • getSource

      String getSource()
      a String describing the source of this payload
    • getParamShift

      int getParamShift()
      number of parameters from the original call which should be truncated
    • getInput

      array of any input parameters for this inject
    • getOutput

      array of any output parameters for this inject
    • isErrorPlaceholder

      boolean isErrorPlaceholder()
      If parsing a payload (from XML) fails, a placeholder payload may be substituted and this method returns true for the substitute. In all other cases, this returns false.
      true if this is a placeholder for a payload with parse errors.
    • inject

      Given a context, send the p-code payload to the emitter
      context - is the context for injection
      emit - is the object accumulating the final p-code
      MemoryAccessException - for problems establishing the injection context
      IOException - for problems while emitting the injection p-code
      UnknownInstructionException - if there is no underlying instruction being injected
      NotFoundException - if an expected aspect of the injection is not present in context
    • getPcode

      A convenience function wrapping the inject method, to produce the final set of PcodeOp objects in an array
      program - is the Program for which injection is happening
      con - is the context for injection
      the array of PcodeOps
      MemoryAccessException - for problems establishing the injection context
      IOException - for problems while emitting the injection p-code
      UnknownInstructionException - if there is no underlying instruction being injected
      NotFoundException - if an expected aspect of the injection is not present in context
    • isFallThru

      boolean isFallThru()
      true if the injected p-code falls thru
    • isIncidentalCopy

      boolean isIncidentalCopy()
      true if this inject's COPY operations should be treated as incidental
    • encode

      void encode(Encoder encoder) throws IOException
      Encode configuration parameters as a \ element to stream
      encoder - is the stream encoder
      IOException - for errors writing to the underlying stream
    • restoreXml

      void restoreXml(XmlPullParser parser, SleighLanguage language) throws XmlParseException
      Restore the payload from an XML stream. The root expected document is the \ tag, which may be wrapped with another tag by the derived class.
      parser - is the XML stream
      language - is used to resolve registers and address spaces
      XmlParseException - for badly formed XML
    • isEquivalent

      boolean isEquivalent(InjectPayload obj)
      Determine if this InjectPayload and another instance are equivalent (have the same name and generate the same p-code)
      obj - is the other payload
      true if they are equivalent