Class InjectPayloadCallotherError

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class InjectPayloadCallotherError extends InjectPayloadCallother
A substitute for a callother fixup that did not fully parse
  • Constructor Details

    • InjectPayloadCallotherError

      public InjectPayloadCallotherError(AddressFactory addrFactory, InjectPayloadCallother failedPayload)
      Constructor for use if the p-code template did not parse
      addrFactory - is the address factory to use constructing dummy p-code
      failedPayload - is the object with the failed template
    • InjectPayloadCallotherError

      public InjectPayloadCallotherError(AddressFactory addrFactory, String nm)
  • Method Details

    • isErrorPlaceholder

      public boolean isErrorPlaceholder()
      Description copied from interface: InjectPayload
      If parsing a payload (from XML) fails, a placeholder payload may be substituted and this method returns true for the substitute. In all other cases, this returns false.
      Specified by:
      isErrorPlaceholder in interface InjectPayload
      isErrorPlaceholder in class InjectPayloadSleigh
      true if this is a placeholder for a payload with parse errors.