Class SleighLanguage

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class SleighLanguage extends Object implements Language
  • Method Details

    • getUniqueBase

      public long getUniqueBase()
      Returns the unique base offset from which additional temporary variables may be created.
      unique base offset
    • getUniqueAllocationMask

      public int getUniqueAllocationMask()
    • numSections

      public int numSections()
      (maximum) number of named p-code sections
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object
    • applyContextSettings

      public void applyContextSettings(DefaultProgramContext programContext)
      Description copied from interface: Language
      Apply context settings to the ProgramContext as specified by the configuration
      Specified by:
      applyContextSettings in interface Language
      programContext - is the default program context
    • getAddressFactory

      public AddressFactory getAddressFactory()
      Description copied from interface: Language
      Get the AddressFactory for this language. The returned Address factory will allow addresses associated with physical, constant and unique spaces to be instantiated. NOTE! this factory does not know about compiler or program specified spaces. Spaces such as stack and overlay spaces are not defined by the language - if these are needed, Program.getAddressFactory() should be used instead.
      Specified by:
      getAddressFactory in interface Language
      the AddressFactory for this language.
      See Also:
    • getAdditionalInject

      public List<InjectPayloadSleigh> getAdditionalInject()
    • getContextBaseRegister

      public Register getContextBaseRegister()
      Description copied from interface: Language
      Returns processor context base register or null if one has not been defined by the language.
      Specified by:
      getContextBaseRegister in interface Language
      base context register or Register.NO_CONTEXT if not defined
    • getContextRegisters

      public List<Register> getContextRegisters()
      Description copied from interface: Language
      Get an unsorted unmodifiable list of processor context registers that this language defines (includes context base register and its context field registers).
      Specified by:
      getContextRegisters in interface Language
      unmodifiable list of processor registers.
    • getDefaultMemoryBlocks

      public MemoryBlockDefinition[] getDefaultMemoryBlocks()
      Description copied from interface: Language
      Returns the default memory blocks for this language.
      Specified by:
      getDefaultMemoryBlocks in interface Language
      the default memory blocks for this language
    • getProgramCounter

      public Register getProgramCounter()
      Description copied from interface: Language
      Get the default program counter register for this language if there is one.
      Specified by:
      getProgramCounter in interface Language
      default program counter register.
    • getDefaultSymbols

      public List<AddressLabelInfo> getDefaultSymbols()
      Description copied from interface: Language
      Returns the default symbols for this language. This list does not contain registers.
      Specified by:
      getDefaultSymbols in interface Language
      the default symbols for this language
    • getInstructionAlignment

      public int getInstructionAlignment()
      Description copied from interface: Language
      Get instruction alignment in terms of bytes.
      Specified by:
      getInstructionAlignment in interface Language
      instruction alignment
    • getMinorVersion

      public int getMinorVersion()
      Description copied from interface: Language
      Returns the minor version for this language. Returning a minor version number different than before could cause the program to try and "update" itself. Those languages which do not support this feature may always return a constant value of 0.
      Specified by:
      getMinorVersion in interface Language
      the language minor version number
    • getLanguageID

      public LanguageID getLanguageID()
      Description copied from interface: Language
      Returns the LanguageID of this language, which is used as a primary key to find the language when Ghidra loads it.
      Specified by:
      getLanguageID in interface Language
      the LanguageID of this language
    • getUserDefinedOpName

      public String getUserDefinedOpName(int index)
      Description copied from interface: Language
      Get the user define name for a given index. Certain pcode has operations defined only by name that when the pcode returns, only the index is known. Note: only works for Pcode based languages
      Specified by:
      getUserDefinedOpName in interface Language
      index - user defined pcodeop index
      pcodeop name or null if not defined
    • getNumberOfUserDefinedOpNames

      public int getNumberOfUserDefinedOpNames()
      Description copied from interface: Language
      Get the total number of user defined pcode names. Note: only works for Pcode based languages
      Specified by:
      getNumberOfUserDefinedOpNames in interface Language
      number of user defined pcodeops
    • getProcessor

      public Processor getProcessor()
      Description copied from interface: Language
      Returns the processor name on which this language is based. For example, 30386, Pentium, 68010, etc.
      Specified by:
      getProcessor in interface Language
      the processor name
    • getRegister

      public Register getRegister(AddressSpace addrspc, long offset, int size)
      Description copied from interface: Language
      Get a register given the address space it is in, its offset in the space and its size.
      Specified by:
      getRegister in interface Language
      addrspc - address space the register is in
      offset - offset of the register in the space
      size - size of the register in bytes
      the register
    • getRegister

      public Register getRegister(String name)
      Description copied from interface: Language
      Get a register given the name of the register
      Specified by:
      getRegister in interface Language
      name - Register name
      the register
    • getRegister

      public Register getRegister(Address addr, int size)
      Description copied from interface: Language
      Get a register given it's underlying address location and size.
      Specified by:
      getRegister in interface Language
      addr - location of the register in its address space
      size - the size of the register (in bytes). A value of 0 will return the largest register at the specified addr
      the register
    • getRegisters

      public Register[] getRegisters(Address address)
      Description copied from interface: Language
      Returns all the registers (each different size is a different register) for an address.
      Specified by:
      getRegisters in interface Language
      address - the register address for which to return all registers.
      all the registers (each different size is a different register) for an address.
    • getRegisters

      public List<Register> getRegisters()
      Description copied from interface: Language
      Get an unsorted unmodifiable list of Register objects that this language defines (including context registers).
      Specified by:
      getRegisters in interface Language
      unmodifiable list of processor registers.
    • getRegisterNames

      public List<String> getRegisterNames()
      Description copied from interface: Language
      Get an alphabetical sorted unmodifiable list of original register names (including context registers). Names correspond to orignal register name and not aliases which may be defined.
      Specified by:
      getRegisterNames in interface Language
      alphabetical sorted unmodifiable list of original register names.
    • getSegmentedSpace

      public String getSegmentedSpace()
      Description copied from interface: Language
      Returns the name of the segmented space for this language, or the empty string if the memory model for this language is not segmented.
      Specified by:
      getSegmentedSpace in interface Language
      the name of the segmented space or ""
    • getVersion

      public int getVersion()
      Description copied from interface: Language
      Returns the major version for this language. Returning a version number different than before could cause the program to try and "update" itself. Those languages which do not support this feature may always return a constant value of 1.
      Specified by:
      getVersion in interface Language
      the language version number
    • getVolatileAddresses

      public AddressSetView getVolatileAddresses()
      Description copied from interface: Language
      Returns an AddressSetView of the volatile addresses for this language
      Specified by:
      getVolatileAddresses in interface Language
      an AddressSetView of the volatile addresses for this language
    • isBigEndian

      public boolean isBigEndian()
      Description copied from interface: Language
      get the Endian type for this language. (If a language supports both, then this returns an initial or default value.)
      Specified by:
      isBigEndian in interface Language
      true for BigEndian, false for LittleEndian.
    • isVolatile

      public boolean isVolatile(Address addr)
      Description copied from interface: Language
      Returns true if the language has defined the specified location as volatile.
      Specified by:
      isVolatile in interface Language
      addr - location address
      true if specified address is within a volatile range
    • parse

      Description copied from interface: Language
      Get the InstructionPrototype that matches the bytes presented by the MemBuffer object.
      Specified by:
      parse in interface Language
      buf - the MemBuffer that presents the bytes in Memory at some address as if they were an array of bytes starting at index 0.
      context - the processor context at the address to be disassembled
      inDelaySlot - true if this instruction should be parsed as if it were in a delay slot
      the InstructionPrototype that matches the bytes in buf.
      InsufficientBytesException - thrown if there are not enough bytes in memory to satisfy a legal instruction.
      UnknownInstructionException - thrown if the byte pattern does not match any legal instruction.
    • getRootDecisionNode

      public DecisionNode getRootDecisionNode()
    • getSymbolTable

      public SymbolTable getSymbolTable()
    • getSourceFileIndexer

      public SourceFileIndexer getSourceFileIndexer()
      Returns the source file indexer
    • reloadLanguage

      public void reloadLanguage(TaskMonitor monitor) throws IOException
      Description copied from interface: Language
      Refreshes the definition of this language if possible. Use of this method is intended for development purpose only since stale references to prior language resources (e.g., registers) may persist.
      Specified by:
      reloadLanguage in interface Language
      monitor - monitor for progress back to the user
      IOException - if error occurs while reloading language spec file(s)
    • supportsPcode

      public boolean supportsPcode()
      Description copied from interface: Language
      Return true if the instructions in this language support Pcode.
      Specified by:
      supportsPcode in interface Language
      true if language supports the use of pcode
    • getDefaultSpace

      public AddressSpace getDefaultSpace()
      Description copied from interface: Language
      Get the default memory/code space.
      Specified by:
      getDefaultSpace in interface Language
      default address space
    • getDefaultDataSpace

      public AddressSpace getDefaultDataSpace()
      Description copied from interface: Language
      Get the preferred data space used by loaders for data sections.
      Specified by:
      getDefaultDataSpace in interface Language
      default data address space
    • getDefaultPointerWordSize

      @Deprecated public int getDefaultPointerWordSize()
      Will be removed once we have better way to attach address spaces to pointer data-types
      the default wordsize to use when analyzing pointer offsets
    • getCompatibleCompilerSpecDescriptions

      public List<CompilerSpecDescription> getCompatibleCompilerSpecDescriptions()
      Description copied from interface: Language
      Returns a list of all compatible compiler spec descriptions. The first item in the list is the default.
      Specified by:
      getCompatibleCompilerSpecDescriptions in interface Language
      list of all compatible compiler specifications descriptions
    • getCompilerSpecByID

      public CompilerSpec getCompilerSpecByID(CompilerSpecID compilerSpecID) throws CompilerSpecNotFoundException
      Description copied from interface: Language
      Returns the compiler spec associated with a given CompilerSpecID.
      Specified by:
      getCompilerSpecByID in interface Language
      compilerSpecID - the compiler spec id
      the compiler spec associated with the given id
      CompilerSpecNotFoundException - if no such compiler spec exists
    • getLanguageDescription

      public LanguageDescription getLanguageDescription()
      Description copied from interface: Language
      Returns the LanguageDescription of this language, which contains useful information about the characteristics of the language.
      Specified by:
      getLanguageDescription in interface Language
      the LanguageDescription of this language
    • getDefaultCompilerSpec

      public CompilerSpec getDefaultCompilerSpec()
      Description copied from interface: Language
      Returns the default compiler spec for this language, which is used when a loader cannot determine the compiler spec or for upgrades when a program had no compiler spec registered (seriously old program, like Ghidra 4.1 or earlier). NOTE: this has NOTHING to do with the compiler spec registered for a program. Use Program.getCompilerSpec() for that!
      Specified by:
      getDefaultCompilerSpec in interface Language
      the default compiler spec for this language
    • getProperty

      public String getProperty(String key)
      Description copied from interface: Language
      Gets a property defined for this language, or null if that property isn't defined.
      Specified by:
      getProperty in interface Language
      key - the property key
      the property value, or null if not defined
    • getPropertyKeys

      public Set<String> getPropertyKeys()
      Description copied from interface: Language
      Returns a read-only set view of the property keys defined on this language.
      Specified by:
      getPropertyKeys in interface Language
      read-only set of property keys
    • getProperty

      public String getProperty(String key, String defaultString)
      Description copied from interface: Language
      Gets the value of a property as a String, returning defaultString if undefined.
      Specified by:
      getProperty in interface Language
      key - the property key
      defaultString - the default value to return if property is undefined
      the property value as a String, or the default value if undefined
    • getPropertyAsBoolean

      public boolean getPropertyAsBoolean(String key, boolean defaultBoolean)
      Description copied from interface: Language
      Gets the value of a property as a boolean, returning defaultBoolean if undefined.
      Specified by:
      getPropertyAsBoolean in interface Language
      key - the property key
      defaultBoolean - the default value to return if property is undefined
      the property value as a boolean, or the default value if undefined
    • getPropertyAsInt

      public int getPropertyAsInt(String key, int defaultInt)
      Description copied from interface: Language
      Gets the value of a property as an int, returning defaultInt if undefined.
      Specified by:
      getPropertyAsInt in interface Language
      key - the property key
      defaultInt - the default value to return if property is undefined
      the property value as an int, or the default value if undefined
    • hasProperty

      public boolean hasProperty(String key)
      Description copied from interface: Language
      Returns whether this lanugage has a property defined.
      Specified by:
      hasProperty in interface Language
      key - the property key
      if the property is defined
    • getManualEntry

      public ManualEntry getManualEntry(String instruction)
      Description copied from interface: Language
      Get the ManualEntry for the given instruction mnemonic.
      Specified by:
      getManualEntry in interface Language
      instruction - the instruction mnemonic
      the ManualEntry or null. A default manual entry will be returned if an instruction can not be found within the index and a manual exists.
    • getManualInstructionMnemonicKeys

      public Set<String> getManualInstructionMnemonicKeys()
      Description copied from interface: Language
      Returns a read-only set view of the instruction mnemonic keys defined on this language.
      Specified by:
      getManualInstructionMnemonicKeys in interface Language
      read-only set of instruction mnemonic keys
    • loadIndex

      public void loadIndex(ResourceFile processorFile) throws IOException
    • getManualException

      public Exception getManualException()
      Description copied from interface: Language
      Returns the exception generated trying to load the manual, or null if it succeeded.
      Specified by:
      getManualException in interface Language
      the exception generated trying to load the manual, or null if it succeeded
    • hasManual

      public boolean hasManual()
      Description copied from interface: Language
      Returns whether the language has a valid manual defined.
      Specified by:
      hasManual in interface Language
      if the language has a manual
    • encodeTranslator

      public void encodeTranslator(Encoder encoder, AddressFactory factory, long uniqueOffset) throws IOException
      Encode limited information to the stream about the SLEIGH translator for the specified address factory and optional register set.
      encoder - is the stream encoder
      factory - is the specified address factory
      uniqueOffset - the initial offset within the unique address space to start assigning temporary registers
      IOException - for errors writing to the underlying stream
    • getParallelInstructionHelper

      public ParallelInstructionLanguageHelper getParallelInstructionHelper()
      Description copied from interface: Language
      Returns a parallel instruction helper for this language or null if one has not been defined.
      Specified by:
      getParallelInstructionHelper in interface Language
      parallel instruction helper or null if not applicable
    • getSortedVectorRegisters

      public List<Register> getSortedVectorRegisters()
      Description copied from interface: Language
      Returns an unmodifiable list of vector registers, sorted first by size and then by name.
      Specified by:
      getSortedVectorRegisters in interface Language
      unmodifiable list of vector registers.
    • getRegisterAddresses

      public AddressSetView getRegisterAddresses()
      Description copied from interface: Language
      Returns address set of all registers.
      Specified by:
      getRegisterAddresses in interface Language
      the address set.