Class AddressLabelInfo

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class AddressLabelInfo extends Object implements Comparable<AddressLabelInfo>
AddressLabelInfo is a utility class for storing an Address together with a corresponding language-defined label or alias that is within the global namespace which is established with a SourceType of IMPORTED within a program.
  • Constructor Details

    • AddressLabelInfo

      public AddressLabelInfo(Address addr, Integer sizeInBytes, String label, boolean isPrimary, boolean isEntry, ProcessorSymbolType type, Boolean isVolatile) throws AddressOverflowException
      Constructor for class AddressLabelInfo
      addr - Address object that describes the memory address
      sizeInBytes - Integer describing the Size in bytes that the label applies to.
      label - String label or alias for the Address
      isPrimary - boolean describes if this object is the primary label for the Address 'addr'
      isEntry - boolean describes if this object is an entry label for the Address 'addr'
      type - ProcessorSymbolType the type of symbol
      isVolatile - Boolean describes if the memory at this address is volatile
  • Method Details

    • getAddress

      public final Address getAddress()
      Returns the object's address.
    • getEndAddress

      public final Address getEndAddress()
      Returns the object's end address.
    • getLabel

      public final String getLabel()
      Returns the object's label or alias.
    • getByteSize

      public final int getByteSize()
      Returns the object's size in bytes. Always non-zero positive value and defaults to addressable unit size of associated address space.
    • isPrimary

      public final boolean isPrimary()
      Returns whether the object is the primary label at the address.
    • isVolatile

      public final Boolean isVolatile()
      Returns whether the object is volatile. Boolean.False when the address is explicitly not volatile. Boolean.True when the address is volatile. NULL when the volatility is not defined at this address.
    • getProcessorSymbolType

      public ProcessorSymbolType getProcessorSymbolType()
      Returns the type of processor symbol (if this was defined by a pspec) or null if this is not a processor symbol or it was not specified in the pspec file. It basically allows a pspec file to give more information about a symbol such as if code or a code pointer is expected to be at the symbol's address.
      the ProcesorSymbolType if it has one.
    • compareTo

      public int compareTo(AddressLabelInfo info)
      Specified by:
      compareTo in interface Comparable<AddressLabelInfo>
    • isEntry

      public boolean isEntry()
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object