Class AbstractPythonScriptProvider

All Implemented Interfaces:
ExtensionPoint, Comparable<GhidraScriptProvider>
Direct Known Subclasses:
JythonScriptProvider, PyGhidraScriptProvider

public abstract class AbstractPythonScriptProvider extends GhidraScriptProvider
An abstract GhidraScriptProvider used to provide common functionality to different types of Python script implementations
  • Constructor Details

    • AbstractPythonScriptProvider

      public AbstractPythonScriptProvider()
  • Method Details

    • getDescription

      public abstract String getDescription()
      Description copied from class: GhidraScriptProvider
      Returns a description for this type of script.
      Specified by:
      getDescription in class GhidraScriptProvider
      a description for this type of script
    • getRuntimeEnvironmentName

      public abstract String getRuntimeEnvironmentName()
      Description copied from class: GhidraScriptProvider
      Returns an optional runtime environment name of a GhidraScriptProvider that scripts can specify they require to run under. Useful for when more than one GhidraScriptProvider uses the same file extension.
      getRuntimeEnvironmentName in class GhidraScriptProvider
      an optional runtime environment name of a GhidraScriptProvider that scripts can specify they require to run under (could be null if there is no requirement)
      See Also:
      • ScriptInfo.AT_RUNTIME
    • getScriptInstance

      public abstract GhidraScript getScriptInstance(ResourceFile sourceFile, PrintWriter writer) throws GhidraScriptLoadException
      Description copied from class: GhidraScriptProvider
      Returns a GhidraScript instance for the specified source file.
      Specified by:
      getScriptInstance in class GhidraScriptProvider
      sourceFile - the source file
      writer - the print writer to write warning/error messages. If the error prevents success, throw an exception instead. The caller will print the error.
      a GhidraScript instance for the specified source file
      GhidraScriptLoadException - when the script instance cannot be created
    • createNewScript

      public void createNewScript(ResourceFile newScript, String category) throws IOException
      Description copied from class: GhidraScriptProvider
      Creates a new script using the specified file.
      Specified by:
      createNewScript in class GhidraScriptProvider
      newScript - the new script file
      category - the script category
      IOException - if an error occurs writing the file
    • getBlockCommentStart

      public Pattern getBlockCommentStart()
      Returns a Pattern that matches block comment openings.

      If block comments are not supported by this provider, then this returns null.

      In Python this is a triple single quote sequence, "'''".

      getBlockCommentStart in class GhidraScriptProvider
      the Pattern for Python block comment openings
    • getBlockCommentEnd

      public Pattern getBlockCommentEnd()
      Returns a Pattern that matches block comment closings.

      If block comments are not supported by this provider, then this returns null.

      In Python this is a triple single quote sequence, "'''".

      getBlockCommentEnd in class GhidraScriptProvider
      the Pattern for Python block comment openings
    • getCommentCharacter

      public String getCommentCharacter()
      Description copied from class: GhidraScriptProvider
      Returns the comment character.

      For example, "//" or "#".

      Specified by:
      getCommentCharacter in class GhidraScriptProvider
      the comment character
    • getCertifyHeaderStart

      protected String getCertifyHeaderStart()
      Description copied from class: GhidraScriptProvider
      Return the start of certification header line if this file type is subject to certification.
      getCertifyHeaderStart in class GhidraScriptProvider
      start of certification header or null if not supported
    • getCertificationBodyPrefix

      protected String getCertificationBodyPrefix()
      Description copied from class: GhidraScriptProvider
      Return the prefix for each certification header body line if this file is subject to certification.
      getCertificationBodyPrefix in class GhidraScriptProvider
      certification header body prefix or null if not supported
    • getCertifyHeaderEnd

      protected String getCertifyHeaderEnd()
      Description copied from class: GhidraScriptProvider
      Return the end of certification header line if this file type is subject to certification.
      getCertifyHeaderEnd in class GhidraScriptProvider
      end of certification header or null if not supported
    • getExtension

      public String getExtension()
      Description copied from class: GhidraScriptProvider
      Returns the file extension for this type of script.

      For example, ".java" or ".py".

      Specified by:
      getExtension in class GhidraScriptProvider
      the file extension for this type of script