Class AnalysisPriority


public class AnalysisPriority extends Object
Class to specify priority within the Automated Analysis pipeline.
  • Field Details


      public static final AnalysisPriority FORMAT_ANALYSIS
      Defines a full format analysis as the first priority for automatic analysis. These are the first analyzers that will run after import. Possibly there is a need to move blocks around, or create headers. Analyzers that will look binary as a full file format analysis should run with this priority. NOTE: there may be analyzers that run before this that need to fix issues like Non-Returning functions. Be very careful running an analyzer with a higher priority.

      public static final AnalysisPriority BLOCK_ANALYSIS
      Defines block analysis as the second priority for automatic analysis. Initial markup of raw bytes should occur at or after this priority (images, etc). The initial disassembly of EntryPoints will occur at this priority.

      public static final AnalysisPriority DISASSEMBLY
      Defines disassembly as the third priority for automatic analysis. Disassembly of code found through good solid flow will occur at this priority. More heuristic code recovery will occur later.

      public static final AnalysisPriority CODE_ANALYSIS
      Defines code analysis as the fourth priority for automatic analysis. If your analyzer is looking at RAW CODE, you should general go at or after this priority. Usually this is used in conjunction with analyzers that process new instructions AnalyzerType.INSTRUCTIONS. It is also useful for those analyzers that depend on code, but want to analyze flow, such as non-returning functions, that should happen before functions are widely laid down. If bad flow is not fixed at an early priority, switch stmt recovery, function boundaries, etc... may need to be redone and bad stuff cleaned up.

      public static final AnalysisPriority FUNCTION_ANALYSIS
      Defines function analysis as the fifth priority for automatic analysis. After this priority, basic functions and their instructions should be recovered. More functions could be recovered in further analysis, but if your analysis depends on basic function creation, you should go after this priority.

      public static final AnalysisPriority REFERENCE_ANALYSIS
      Defines reference analysis as the sixth priority for automatic analysis. After this priority, basic reference recovery should have taken place. More references could be recovered later.

      public static final AnalysisPriority DATA_ANALYSIS
      Defines data analysis as the seventh priority for automatic analysis. After this priority, data creation (strings, pointers) should have settled down. More data can be recovered with further analysis.

      public static final AnalysisPriority FUNCTION_ID_ANALYSIS
      Defines Function identification analysis as the eighth priority for automatic analysis. After this priority, full function (name/class) evaluation should have taken place.

      public static final AnalysisPriority DATA_TYPE_PROPOGATION
      Defines data type propogation as the ninth priority for automatic analysis. Data type propogation analysis should hapen as late as possible so that all basic code recovery, reference analysis, etc... has taken place.

      public static final AnalysisPriority LOW_PRIORITY

      public static final AnalysisPriority HIGHEST_PRIORITY
  • Constructor Details

    • AnalysisPriority

      public AnalysisPriority(int priority)
    • AnalysisPriority

      public AnalysisPriority(String name, int priority)
      Construct a new priority object.
      priority - priority to use
  • Method Details

    • priority

      public int priority()
      Return the priority specified for this analysis priority.
    • before

      public AnalysisPriority before()
      Get a priority that is a little higher than this one.
      a higher priority
    • after

      public AnalysisPriority after()
      Get a piority that is a little lower than this one.
      a lower priority
    • getInitial

      public static AnalysisPriority getInitial(String name)
      Return first gross priority.
      first gross priority
    • getNext

      public AnalysisPriority getNext(String nextName)
      Get the next gross priority.
      return next gross priority
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object