Class NamespacePath

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class NamespacePath extends Object implements Comparable<NamespacePath>
Represents a hierarchical path of containers that hold names of objects.

Each container of names (lets call them a namespace for short) can have a type that distinguishes it from other containers: classes, functions, c++ namespaces, etc.

A NamespacePath does not correlate directly to a Ghidra Namespace, as a Ghidra Namespace is tied to a Program and has rules about what can be placed inside of it.

NamespacePath instances can be created without referring to a Ghidra Program and without concern as to what will be valid or have collisions.

Use a NamespacePath to represent and hold forward-engineering namespace nesting information (ie. namespace info recovered from debug info), and when a Ghidra Namespace is needed, convert to or lookup the live/'real' Ghidra Namespace.

  • Field Details

  • Method Details

    • create

      public static NamespacePath create(NamespacePath parent, String name, SymbolType type)
      Creates a new NamespacePath instance.
      parent - optional - parent NamespacePath instance, default to ROOT if null.
      name - string name of the new namespace.
      type - SymbolType of the named space - ie. a "namespace", a class,
      new NamespacePath
    • isRoot

      public boolean isRoot()
      Returns true if this namespace path points to the root of the namespace space.
      boolean true if ROOT
    • getName

      public String getName()
      Returns the name of this namespace element, ie. the last thing on the path.
      string name.
    • getParent

      public NamespacePath getParent()
      Returns a reference to the parent NamespacePath.
      parent NamespacePath
    • getType

      public SymbolType getType()
      Returns the SymbolType of this namespace element (ie. the symbol type of the last thing on the path).
    • getNamespace

      public Namespace getNamespace(Program program)
      Converts this NamespacePath into a Ghidra Namespace in the specified Program, creating missing elements on the path as necessary.
      program - Ghidra Program where the namespace should be retrieved from or created in.
      Namespace or fallback to the progam's Global root namespace if problem.
    • asNamespaceString

      public String asNamespaceString()
      Converts this namespace path into a Namespace style string.
      string path "ROOT::namespace1::namespace2"
    • asFormattedString

      public String asFormattedString()
      Converts this namespace path into a Namespace style string without the ROOT namespace included.
      string path "namespace1::namespace2"
    • getParts

      public List<String> getParts()
      Returns the individual parts of the path as elements in a list.
      list of strings containing individual parts of the path
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object
    • hashCode

      public int hashCode()
      hashCode in class Object
    • equals

      public boolean equals(Object obj)
      equals in class Object
    • compareTo

      public int compareTo(NamespacePath otherPath)
      Specified by:
      compareTo in interface Comparable<NamespacePath>