Interface SearchLocation

All Known Implementing Classes:
BuildIdSearchLocation, LocalDirectorySearchLocation, SameDirSearchLocation

public interface SearchLocation
Represents a collection of dwarf external debug files that can be searched.
  • Method Details

    • findDebugFile

      FSRL findDebugFile(ExternalDebugInfo debugInfo, TaskMonitor monitor) throws IOException, CancelledException
      Searchs for a debug file that fulfills the criteria specified in the ExternalDebugInfo.
      debugInfo - search criteria
      monitor - TaskMonitor
      FSRL of the matching file, or null if not found
      IOException - if error
      CancelledException - if cancelled
    • getName

      String getName()
      Returns the name of this instance, which should be a serialized copy of this instance.
      String serialized data of this instance, typically in "something://serialized_data" form
    • getDescriptiveName

      String getDescriptiveName()
      Returns a human formatted string describing this location, used in UI prompts or lists.
      formatted string