Class BuildIdSearchLocation

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class BuildIdSearchLocation extends Object implements SearchLocation
A SearchLocation that expects the external debug files to be named using the hexadecimal value of the hash of the file, and to be arranged in a bucketed directory hierarchy using the first 2 hexdigits of the hash.

For example, the debug file with hash 6addc39dc19c1b45f9ba70baf7fd81ea6508ea7f would be stored as "6a/ddc39dc19c1b45f9ba70baf7fd81ea6508ea7f.debug" (under some root directory).

  • Constructor Details

    • BuildIdSearchLocation

      public BuildIdSearchLocation(File rootDir)
      Creates a new BuildIdSearchLocation at the specified location.
      rootDir - path to the root directory of the build-id directory (typically ends with "./build-id")
  • Method Details