Interface DWARFSectionProvider

All Superinterfaces:
AutoCloseable, Closeable
All Known Implementing Classes:
BaseSectionProvider, CompressedSectionProvider, DSymSectionProvider, ExternalDebugFileSectionProvider, NullSectionProvider

public interface DWARFSectionProvider extends Closeable
A DWARFSectionProvider is responsible for allowing access to DWARF section data of a Ghidra program.

Implementors of this interface need to be registered in DWARFSectionProviderFactory.sectionProviderFactoryFuncs and should implement the static method:

public static DWARFSectionProvider createSectionProviderFor(Program program, TaskMonitor monitor)

that is called via a java Function wrapper.

DWARFSectionProvider instances are responsible for closing any ByteProvider that has been returned via getSectionAsByteProvider(String, TaskMonitor) when the section provider instance is itself closed.

  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Returns a ByteProvider for the specified section.
    hasSection(String... sectionNames)
    Returns true if the specified section names are present.
    default void
    Decorate the specified program with any information that is unique to this section provider.
  • Method Details

    • hasSection

      boolean hasSection(String... sectionNames)
      Returns true if the specified section names are present.
      sectionNames - list of section names to test
      true if all are present, false if not present
    • getSectionAsByteProvider

      ByteProvider getSectionAsByteProvider(String sectionName, TaskMonitor monitor) throws IOException
      Returns a ByteProvider for the specified section.
      sectionName - name of the section
      monitor - TaskMonitor to use when performing long operations
      ByteProvider, which will be closed by the section provider when itself is closed
      IOException - if error
    • close

      void close()
      Specified by:
      close in interface AutoCloseable
      Specified by:
      close in interface Closeable
    • updateProgramInfo

      default void updateProgramInfo(Program program)
      Decorate the specified program with any information that is unique to this section provider.
      program - Program with an active transaction