Interface ElfLoadHelper

public interface ElfLoadHelper
ElfLoadHelper exposes loader methods useful to ElfExtension implementations.
  • Method Details

    • getProgram

      Program getProgram()
      Get program object
      program object
    • getOption

      <T> T getOption(String optionName, T defaultValue)
      Get an import processing option value
      Type Parameters:
      T - class of option value (e.g., String, Boolean, etc.)
      optionName - option name
      defaultValue - default option value which also establishes expected value type
      option value
    • getElfHeader

      ElfHeader getElfHeader()
      Get ELF Header object
      ELF Header object
    • getLog

      MessageLog getLog()
      Get the message log
      message log
    • log

      void log(String msg)
      Output loader log message
      msg - text message
    • log

      void log(Throwable t)
      Output loader log message.
      t - exception/throwable error
    • markAsCode

      void markAsCode(Address address)
      Mark this location as code in the CodeMap. The analyzers will pick this up and disassemble the code.
      address - code memory address to be marked
    • createOneByteFunction

      Function createOneByteFunction(String name, Address address, boolean isEntry)
      Create a one-byte function, so that when the code is analyzed, it will be disassembled, and the function created with the correct body.
      name - name of function or null for default (or label already applied)
      address - address of function
      isEntry - mark function as entry point if true
      new or existing function.
    • createExternalFunctionLinkage

      Function createExternalFunctionLinkage(String name, Address functionAddr, Address indirectPointerAddr)
      Create an external function within the UNKNOWN space and a corresponding thunk at the internalFunctionAddr. If the functionAddr and/or indirectPointerAddr has a symbol with <name> it will be removed so as not to replicate the external function name.
      name - external function name
      functionAddr - location of thunk function (memory address only)
      indirectPointerAddr - if not null a pointer to functionAddr will be written (size of pointer based 32 or 64 bits based upon ELF size). Memory must exist and will be converted to initialized if needed.
      thunk function or null if failure occurred
    • createUndefinedData

      Data createUndefinedData(Address address, int length)
      Create an undefined data item to reserve the location as data, without specifying the type. If ElfLoaderOptionsFactory.applyUndefinedSymbolData(java.util.List) returns false data will not be applied and null will be returned.
      address - location of undefined data to create
      length - size of the undefined data item
      Data which was created or null if conflict occurs or disabled by option
    • createData

      Data createData(Address address, DataType dt)
      Create a data item using the specified data type
      address - location of undefined data to create
      dt - data type
      Data which was created or null if conflict occurs
    • setElfSymbolAddress

      void setElfSymbolAddress(ElfSymbol elfSymbol, Address address)
      Add specified elfSymbol to the loader symbol map after its program address has been assigned
      elfSymbol - elf symbol
      address - program address (may be null if not applicable)
    • getElfSymbolAddress

      Address getElfSymbolAddress(ElfSymbol elfSymbol)
      Get the memory address of a previously resolved symbol
      elfSymbol - elf symbol
      memory address or null if unknown
    • createSymbol

      Symbol createSymbol(Address addr, String name, boolean isPrimary, boolean pinAbsolute, Namespace namespace) throws InvalidInputException
      Create the specified label symbol within the program.
      addr - program address
      name - symbol/label name
      isPrimary - true if is symbol should be made primary (certain name patterns excluded)
      pinAbsolute - true if address is absolute and should not change
      namespace - symbol namespace (should generally be null for global namespace)
      program symbol
      InvalidInputException - if an invalid name is specified
    • findLoadAddress

      Address findLoadAddress(MemoryLoadable section, long byteOffsetWithinSection)
      Find the program address at which a specified offset within a section or segment was loaded/resolved.
      section - a segment or section header which was loaded to memory
      byteOffsetWithinSection - offset within section
      resolved load address or null if not loaded
    • getDefaultAddress

      Address getDefaultAddress(long addressableWordOffset)
      Get the program address for an addressableWordOffset within the default address space. This method is responsible for applying any program image base change imposed during the import (see getImageBaseWordAdjustmentOffset().
      addressableWordOffset - absolute word offset. The offset should already include default image base and pre-link adjustment (see ElfHeader.adjustAddressForPrelink(long)).
      memory address in default code space
    • getImageBaseWordAdjustmentOffset

      long getImageBaseWordAdjustmentOffset()
      Get the program image base offset adjustment. The value returned reflects the actual program image base minus the default image base (see ElfHeader.getImageBase(). This will generally be zero (0), unless the program image base differs from the default. It may be necessary to add this value to any pre-linked address values such as those contained with the dynamic table. (Applies to default address space only)
      image base adjustment value
    • getGOTValue

      Long getGOTValue()
      Returns the appropriate .got (Global Offset Table) section address using the DT_PLTGOT value defined in the .dynamic section. If the dynamic value is not defined, the symbol offset for _GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_ will be used, otherwise null will be returned. See ElfConstants.GOT_SYMBOL_NAME.
      the .got section address offset
    • allocateLinkageBlock

      AddressRange allocateLinkageBlock(int alignment, int size, String purpose)

      Get a free aligned address range within the program's memory block structure to facilitate dynamic memory block allocation requirements to support relocation processing (e.g., fake EXTERNAL memory block, generated GOT for object modules, etc.). The range returned for the EXTERNAL memory block may be very large but only that portion used should be committed the program's memory map. The EXTERNAL memory block must be committed to the memory map prior to any subsequent invocations of this method

      NOTES: Additional support may be required for spaces with odd word sizes, small 16-bit default memory space, or when shared memory regions exist.

      alignment - required byte alignment of allocated range
      size - size of requested allocation (size <= 0 reserved for EXTERNAL block)
      purpose - brief descriptive purpose of range.
      address range or null if no unallocated range found
    • getOriginalValue

      long getOriginalValue(Address addr, boolean signExtend) throws MemoryAccessException

      Get the original memory value at the specified address if a relocation was applied at the specified address (not containing). Current memory value will be returned if no relocation has been applied at specified address. The value size is either 8-bytes if ElfHeader.is64Bit(), otherwise it will be 4-bytes. This is primarily intended to inspect original bytes within the GOT which may have had relocations applied to them.

      addr - memory address
      signExtend - if true sign-extend to long, else treat as unsigned
      original bytes value
      MemoryAccessException - if memory read fails
    • addArtificialRelocTableEntry

      boolean addArtificialRelocTableEntry(Address address, int length)
      Add an artificial relocation table entry if none previously existed for the specified address. This is intended to record original file bytes when forced modifications have been performed during the ELF import processing. A relocation type of 0 and a status of Relocation.Status.APPLIED_OTHER will be applied to the relocation entry. NOTE: The number of recorded original FileBytes currently ignores the specified length. However, the length is still used to verify that that the intended modification region dose not intersect another relocation.
      address - relocation address
      length - number of bytes affected
      true if recorded successfully, or false if conflict with existing relocation entry and memory addressing error occurs