Interface ElfInfoItem

All Known Implementing Classes:
ElfComment, ElfNote, GnuDebugLink, GoBuildInfo, NoteAbiTag, NoteGnuBuildId, NoteGnuProperty, NoteGoBuildId

public interface ElfInfoItem
Interface and helper functions to read and markup things that have been read from an Elf program.
  • Method Details

    • markupProgram

      void markupProgram(Program program, Address address)
      Markup a program's info and memory with this item.
      program - Program to markup
      address - Address of the item in the program
    • markupElfInfoItemSection

      static void markupElfInfoItemSection(Program program, String sectionName, ElfInfoItem.ReaderFunc<ElfInfoItem> readFunc)
      Helper method to markup a program if it contains the specified item in the specified memory section.
      program - Program
      sectionName - name of memory section that contains the item
      readFunc - ElfInfoItem.ReaderFunc that will deserialize an instance of the item
    • readItemFromSection

      static <T extends ElfInfoItem> ElfInfoItem.ItemWithAddress<T> readItemFromSection(Program program, String sectionName, ElfInfoItem.ReaderFunc<T> readFunc)
      Helper method to read an item from a program's memory section.
      Type Parameters:
      T - type of the item that will be read
      program - Program to read from
      sectionName - name of memory section that contains the item
      readFunc - ElfInfoItem.ReaderFunc that will deserialize an instance of the item
      a wrapped instance of the item, or null if the memory section does not exist or there was an error while reading the item from the section
    • readItemFromSection

      static <T extends ElfInfoItem> ElfInfoItem.ItemWithAddress<T> readItemFromSection(Program program, MemoryBlock memBlock, ElfInfoItem.ReaderFunc<T> readFunc)