Class GoBuildId


public class GoBuildId extends Object
This class represents a go build id string, along with a magic header.

Similar to NoteGoBuildId, but re-implemented here because of the different serialization used.

  • Constructor Details

    • GoBuildId

      public GoBuildId(String buildId)
  • Method Details

    • findBuildId

      public static ElfInfoItem.ItemWithAddress<GoBuildId> findBuildId(Program program)
    • read

      public static GoBuildId read(BinaryReader br, Program program_notused)
      Attempts to read a GoBuildId from the specified stream.
      br - BinaryReader stream (typically the beginning of the ".text" section)
      program_notused - not used, but needed to match functional interface
      GoBuildId instance, or null if not present
    • read

      public static GoBuildId read(InputStream is)
      Attempts to read a GoBuildId from the specified InputStream (useful for early compiler detection before file is loaded).
      is - InputStream providing access to the ".text" section of a PE binary
      GoBuildId instance, or null if not present
    • getBuildId

      public String getBuildId()
    • markupProgram

      public void markupProgram(Program program, Address address)