
  • Class
    Indicates that the tagged method should be executed after the structure has been created and its data read into its structure mapped fields.
    Indicates that the tagged field should be initialized with the value of the appropriate context object, either DataTypeMapper or StructureContext.
    Information about StructureMapping classes and their metadata.
    Indicates that the tagged field should have an "end-of-line" comment placed at each instance of the field, using the return value of a getter method for the field or the return value of a specified method as the string.
    Context of an individual field that is being deserialized, or being markedup.
    Indicates that the tagged java field corresponds to a field in a Ghidra structure.
    Immutable information needed to deserialize a field in a structure mapped class.
    A function that decorates a field in a structure mapped class.
    Indicates that the tagged java field is to be included when constructing a variable length Ghidra structure data type.
    A function that adds a field to a Ghidra structure using annotated field information found in a Java class.
    Immutable information needed to create fields in a Ghidra structure data type, using information from a java field.
    Functional interface to read a structure field's value.
    Indicates that the objects in the return value of the tagged method should be recursively marked up, or if a tagged field, the object in the field should be recursively marked up.
    Indicates that the target of the tagged field should be decorated in Ghidra as receiving a data reference from the location of the field.
    State and methods needed for structure mapped objects to add markup, comments, labels, etc to a program.
    Indicates that the tagged class or field should have an plate comment placed before each instance of the object or field, using the return value of the field's getter method, or if a class, the object's "toString()" method.
    Signedness attribute of a structure mapped field
    Information about an instance of a structure that has been read from the memory of a Ghidra program.
    Indicates that the tagged class corresponds to a Ghidra structure.
    Contains immutable information about a structure mapped class needed to deserialize a new object from the data found in a Ghidra program.
    Optional interface that structure mapped classes can implement that allows them to control how their class is marked up.
    Function that decorates a Ghidra structure
    Interface used by structure mapped classes that need to manually deserialize themselves from the raw data, required when the structure contains variable length fields.