Class StructureContext<T>

Type Parameters:
T - a java class that has been tagged with a StructureMapping annotation.

public class StructureContext<T> extends Object
Information about an instance of a structure that has been read from the memory of a Ghidra program.

All StructureMapping tagged classes must have a ContextField tagged StructureContext field for that class to be able to access meta-data about its self, and for other classes to reference it when performing markup:

 @StructureMapping(structureName = "mydatatype")
 class MyDataType {
        private StructureContext<MyDataType> context;
        private long someField;
  • Field Details

    • dataTypeMapper

      protected final DataTypeMapper dataTypeMapper
    • mappingInfo

      protected final StructureMappingInfo<T> mappingInfo
    • containingFieldDataType

      protected final DataType containingFieldDataType
    • reader

      protected final BinaryReader reader
    • structureStart

      protected final long structureStart
    • structureInstance

      protected T structureInstance
    • structureDataType

      protected Structure structureDataType
  • Constructor Details

    • StructureContext

      public StructureContext(DataTypeMapper dataTypeMapper, StructureMappingInfo<T> mappingInfo, BinaryReader reader)
      Creates an instance of a StructureContext.
      dataTypeMapper - mapping context for the program
      mappingInfo - mapping information about this structure
      reader - BinaryReader positioned at the start of the structure to be read, or null if this is a limited-use context object
    • StructureContext

      public StructureContext(DataTypeMapper dataTypeMapper, StructureMappingInfo<T> mappingInfo, DataType containingFieldDataType, BinaryReader reader)
      Creates an instance of a StructureContext.
      dataTypeMapper - mapping context for the program
      mappingInfo - mapping information about this structure
      containingFieldDataType - optional, the DataType of the field that contained the instance being deserialized
      reader - BinaryReader positioned at the start of the structure to be read, or null if this is a limited-use context object
  • Method Details

    • readNewInstance

      public T readNewInstance() throws IOException
      Creates a new instance of the structure by deserializing the structure's marked fields into java fields.
      new instance of structure
      IOException - if error reading
    • getMappingInfo

      public StructureMappingInfo<T> getMappingInfo()
      Returns the StructureMappingInfo for this structure's class.
      StructureMappingInfo for this structure's class
    • getDataTypeMapper

      public DataTypeMapper getDataTypeMapper()
      Returns a reference to the root DataTypeMapper, as a plain DataTypeMapper type. If a more specific DataTypeMapper type is needed, either type-cast this value, or use a ContextField tag on a field in your class that specifies the correct DataTypeMapper type.
      the program mapping context that control's this structure instance
    • getContainingFieldDataType

      public DataType getContainingFieldDataType()
      Returns the DataType of the field that this object instance was contained inside of, or null if this instance was not a field inside another structure.

      For instance, if a structure was being deserialized because it was a field inside another structure, the actual Ghidra data type of the field may be slightly different than the structure data type defined at the top of the structmapped class (ie. @StructureMapping(structureName='struct'). The containing field's data type could allow custom logic to enrich or modify this struct's behavior.

      DataType of the field that this object instance was contained inside of
    • getStructureAddress

      public Address getStructureAddress()
      Returns the address in the program of this structure instance.
    • getFieldAddress

      public Address getFieldAddress(long fieldOffset)
      Returns the address of an offset from the start of this structure instance.
      fieldOffset - number of bytes from the beginning of this structure where a field (or other location of interest) starts
      Address of specified offset
    • getFieldLocation

      public long getFieldLocation(long fieldOffset)
      Returns the stream location of an offset from the start of this structure instance.
      fieldOffset - number of bytes from the beginning of this structure where a field (or other location of interest) starts
      absolute offset / position in the program / BinaryReader stream
    • getStructureStart

      public long getStructureStart()
      Returns the stream location of this structure instance.
      absolute offset / position in the program / BinaryReader stream of this structure
    • getStructureEnd

      public long getStructureEnd()
      Returns the stream location of the end of this structure instance.
      absolute offset / position in the program / BinaryReader stream of the byte after this structure
    • getStructureLength

      public int getStructureLength()
      Returns the length of this structure instance.
      length of this structure, or 0 if this structure is a variable length structure that does not have a fixed length
    • getStructureInstance

      public T getStructureInstance()
      Returns a reference to the object instance that was deserialized.
      reference to deserialized structure mapped object
    • getReader

      public BinaryReader getReader()
      Returns the BinaryReader that is used to deserialize this structure.
      BinaryReader that is used to deserialize this structure
    • getFieldReader

      public BinaryReader getFieldReader(long fieldOffset)
      Returns an independent BinaryReader that is positioned at the start of the specified field.
      fieldOffset - number of bytes from the beginning of this structure where a field (or other location of interest) starts
      new BinaryReader positioned at the specified relative offset
    • createFieldContext

      public FieldContext<T> createFieldContext(FieldMappingInfo<T> fmi, boolean includeReader)
      Creates a new FieldContext for a specific field.
      fmi - field of interest
      includeReader - boolean flag, if true create a BinaryReader for the field, if false no BinaryReader will be created
      new FieldContext
    • getStructureDataType

      public Structure getStructureDataType() throws IOException
      Returns the Ghidra structure data type that represents this object.

      If this is an instance of a variable length structure mapped class, a custom structure data type will be minted that exactly matches this instance's variable length fields.

      Ghidra structure data type that represents this object
      IOException - if error constructing new struct data type
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object