Class AbstractClassicProcessor

Direct Known Subclasses:
ClassicBindProcessor, ClassicLazyBindProcessor

public abstract class AbstractClassicProcessor extends Object
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • AbstractClassicProcessor

      protected AbstractClassicProcessor(MachHeader header, Program program)
  • Method Details

    • perform

      public final void perform(String segmentName, String sectionName, long addressValue, String fromDylib, NList nList, boolean isWeak, TaskMonitor monitor) throws Exception
    • getSymbol

      protected Symbol getSymbol(NList nList)
      Return the Symbol for the specified NList. Looks in the global namespace first.
    • getSectionName

      protected Section getSectionName(long address)
    • getClassicOrdinalName

      protected String getClassicOrdinalName(int libraryOrdinal)
    • getRelocationBase

      protected long getRelocationBase()
      Returns the relocation base. If the program is 64-bit (x86 or PowerPC), then return the VM address of the first segment with W bit. Otherwise, just return first segment VM address.