Class DataValidationOptions


public class DataValidationOptions extends Object
Holds options for controlling how validation is performed when determining whether or not to create data structures at a particular location.
  • Constructor Details

    • DataValidationOptions

      public DataValidationOptions()
      Creates a DataValidationOptions object with the default values.
    • DataValidationOptions

      public DataValidationOptions(DataValidationOptions validationOptions)
      Copy constructor
      validationOptions - the data validation options to copy
  • Method Details

    • shouldValidateReferredToData

      public boolean shouldValidateReferredToData()
      An option indicating whether or not to follow references to other data and validate those too. If this is set to true then the data is only valid if its referred to data is also valid.
      Default is true.
      true if structures should be validated for referred to data.
    • setValidateReferredToData

      public void setValidateReferredToData(boolean validateReferredToData)
      Sets whether or not to validate follow on data that is referred to by the current new structure.
      validateReferredToData - true indicates follow on data should be validated.
    • shouldIgnoreInstructions

      public boolean shouldIgnoreInstructions()
      An option indicating whether or not existing instructions should make the location invalid for new data.
      Default is false.
      false if existing instructions should cause the creation of new data to be invalid.
    • setIgnoreInstructions

      public void setIgnoreInstructions(boolean ignoreInstructions)
      Sets whether or not existing instructions should invalidate the creation of new data.
      ignoreInstructions - false indicates existing instructions, where the data would be created, should cause validation to fail.
    • shouldIgnoreDefinedData

      public boolean shouldIgnoreDefinedData()
      An option indicating whether or not existing defined data should make the location invalid for new data.
      Default is true.
      false if existing defined data should cause the creation of new data to be invalid.
    • setIgnoreDefinedData

      public void setIgnoreDefinedData(boolean ignoreDefinedData)
      Sets whether or not existing defined data should invalidate the creation of new data.
      ignoreDefinedData - false indicates existing defined data, where the data would be created, should cause validation to fail.