Class HeadlessAnalyzer


public class HeadlessAnalyzer extends Object
The class used kick-off and interact with headless processing. All headless options have been broken out into their own class: HeadlessOptions. This class is intended to be used one of two ways:
  • Used by AnalyzeHeadless to perform headless analysis based on arguments specified on the command line.
  • Used by another tool as a library to perform headless analysis.

Note: This class is not thread safe.

  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Checks to see if the most recent analysis timed out.
    Gets a headless analyzer instance, with the assumption that the application has already been initialized.
    getLoggableInstance(File logFile, File scriptLogFile, boolean useLog4j)
    Gets a headless analyzer, initializing the application if necessary with the specified logging parameters.
    Gets the headless analyzer's options.
    processLocal(String projectLocation, String projectName, String rootFolderPath, List<File> filesToImport)
    Process the optional import file/directory list and process each imported file: execute ordered list of pre-scripts perform auto-analysis if not disabled execute ordered list of post-scripts If no import files or directories have been specified the ordered list of pre/post scripts will be executed once.
    processURL(URL ghidraURL, List<File> filesToImport)
    Process the optional import file/directory list and process each imported file: execute ordered list of pre-scripts perform auto-analysis if not disabled execute ordered list of post-scripts If no import files or directories have been specified the ordered list of pre/post scripts will be executed once.
    Resets the state of the headless analyzer to the default settings.

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
  • Method Details

    • getLoggableInstance

      public static HeadlessAnalyzer getLoggableInstance(File logFile, File scriptLogFile, boolean useLog4j) throws IllegalStateException, IOException
      Gets a headless analyzer, initializing the application if necessary with the specified logging parameters. An IllegalStateException will be thrown if the application has already been initialized or a headless analyzer has already been retrieved. In these cases, the headless analyzer should be gotten with getInstance().
      logFile - The desired application log file. If null, the default application log file will be used (see Application.initializeLogging()).
      scriptLogFile - The desired scripting log file. If null, the default scripting log file will be used (see Application.initializeLogging()).
      useLog4j - true if log4j is to be used; otherwise, false. If this class is being used by another tool as a library, using log4j might interfere with that tool.
      An instance of a new headless analyzer.
      IllegalStateException - if an application or headless analyzer instance has already been initialized.
      IOException - if there was a problem reading the file.
    • getInstance

      public static HeadlessAnalyzer getInstance() throws IOException
      Gets a headless analyzer instance, with the assumption that the application has already been initialized. If this is called before the application has been initialized, it will initialize the application with no logging.
      An instance of a new headless analyzer.
      IOException - if there was a problem reading the file (only possible if the application had not be initialized).
    • reset

      public void reset()
      Resets the state of the headless analyzer to the default settings.
    • getOptions

      public HeadlessOptions getOptions()
      Gets the headless analyzer's options.
      The headless analyer's options.
    • processURL

      public void processURL(URL ghidraURL, List<File> filesToImport) throws IOException, MalformedURLException
      Process the optional import file/directory list and process each imported file:
      1. execute ordered list of pre-scripts
      2. perform auto-analysis if not disabled
      3. execute ordered list of post-scripts
      If no import files or directories have been specified the ordered list of pre/post scripts will be executed once.
      ghidraURL - ghidra URL for existing server repository and optional folder path
      filesToImport - directories and files to be imported (null or empty is acceptable if we are in -process mode)
      IOException - if there was an IO-related problem
      MalformedURLException - specified URL is invalid
    • processLocal

      public void processLocal(String projectLocation, String projectName, String rootFolderPath, List<File> filesToImport) throws IOException
      Process the optional import file/directory list and process each imported file:
      1. execute ordered list of pre-scripts
      2. perform auto-analysis if not disabled
      3. execute ordered list of post-scripts
      If no import files or directories have been specified the ordered list of pre/post scripts will be executed once.
      projectLocation - directory path of project If project exists it will be opened, otherwise it will be created.
      projectName - project name
      rootFolderPath - root folder for imports
      filesToImport - directories and files to be imported (null or empty is acceptable if we are in -process mode)
      IOException - if there was an IO-related problem. If caused by a failure to obtain a write-lock on the project the exception cause will a LockException.
    • checkAnalysisTimedOut

      public boolean checkAnalysisTimedOut()
      Checks to see if the most recent analysis timed out.
      true if the most recent analysis timed out; otherwise, false.