Interface TableService

public interface TableService
Service to show a component that has a JTable given a table model that builds up its data dynamically (a ThreadedTableModel).
  • Method Details

    • showTable

      <T><T> showTable(String componentProviderTitle, String tableTypeName, GhidraProgramTableModel<T> model, String windowSubMenu, Navigatable navigatable)
      Creates a table view using the given model. This version does not create markers.
      componentProviderTitle - The title of the view
      tableTypeName - The name of the table's type. This is used to group like tables together
      model - the data model
      windowSubMenu - the name of a sub-menu to use in the "windows" menu.
      navigatable - the component to navigate. If null, the "connected" components will navigate.
      a provider to show a visible component for the data
    • showTableWithMarkers

      <T><T> showTableWithMarkers(String componentProviderTitle, String tableTypeName, GhidraProgramTableModel<T> model, Color markerColor, Icon markerIcon, String windowSubMenu, Navigatable navigatable)
      Creates a table view using the given model. This version creates markers.
      componentProviderTitle - The title of the view
      tableTypeName - The name of the table's type. This is used to group like tables together
      model - the data model
      markerColor - the color to use for the marker
      markerIcon - the icon to associate with the marker set.
      windowSubMenu - the name of a sub-menu to use in the "windows" menu.
      navigatable - the component to navigate. If null, the "connected" components will navigate.
      a provider to show a visible component for the data
    • createTableChooserDialog

      TableChooserDialog createTableChooserDialog(TableChooserExecutor executor, Program program, String name, Navigatable navigatable)
    • createTableChooserDialog

      TableChooserDialog createTableChooserDialog(TableChooserExecutor executor, Program program, String name, Navigatable navigatable, boolean isModal)