Class AddressAnnotatedStringHandler

All Implemented Interfaces:
AnnotatedStringHandler, ExtensionPoint

public class AddressAnnotatedStringHandler extends Object implements AnnotatedStringHandler
An annotated string handler that allows handles annotations that begin with SUPPORTED_ANNOTATIONS. This class expects one string following the annotation text that is an address string and will display that string as its display text.
  • Constructor Details

    • AddressAnnotatedStringHandler

      public AddressAnnotatedStringHandler()
  • Method Details

    • createAddressAnnotationString

      public static String createAddressAnnotationString(Address destinationAddress, String displayText)
      Constructs a well-formed Address Annotation comment string.
      destinationAddress - destination of the annotation
      displayText - text that will be used as the body of the annotation. Problematic characters will be escaped
    • createAddressAnnotationString

      public static String createAddressAnnotationString(long addressOffset, String displayText)
      Constructs a well-formed Address Annotation comment string.
      addressOffset - destination of the annotation
      displayText - text that will be used as the body of the annotation. Problematic characters will be escaped
    • createAnnotatedString

      public AttributedString createAnnotatedString(AttributedString prototypeString, String[] text, Program program) throws AnnotationException
      Description copied from interface: AnnotatedStringHandler
      Creates an FieldElement based upon the give array of Strings. The first String in the list is expected to be the annotation tag used to create the annotation. At the very least the array is expected to be comprised of two elements, the annotation and some data. Extra data may be provided as needed by implementing classes.
      Specified by:
      createAnnotatedString in interface AnnotatedStringHandler
      prototypeString - The prototype FieldElement that dictates the attributes for the newly created string. Implementations may change attributes as needed.
      text - An array of Strings used to create the FieldElement being returned.
      program - The program with which the returned string is associated.
      An AnnotatedTextFieldElement that will be used to render the given text.
      AnnotationException - if the given text data does not fit the expected format for the given handler implementation.
    • getSupportedAnnotations

      public String[] getSupportedAnnotations()
      Description copied from interface: AnnotatedStringHandler
      Returns the annotation string names that this AnnotatedStringHandler supports (e.g., "symbol", "address", etc...).
      Specified by:
      getSupportedAnnotations in interface AnnotatedStringHandler
      the annotation string names that this AnnotatedStringHandler supports.
    • handleMouseClick

      public boolean handleMouseClick(String[] annotationParts, Navigatable sourceNavigatable, ServiceProvider serviceProvider)
      Description copied from interface: AnnotatedStringHandler
      A method that is notified when an annotation is clicked. Returns true if this annotation handles the click; return false if this annotation does not do anything with the click.
      Specified by:
      handleMouseClick in interface AnnotatedStringHandler
      annotationParts - The constituent parts of the annotation
      sourceNavigatable - The location in the program that was clicked.
      serviceProvider - A service provider for needed services.
      true if this annotation handles the click; return false if this annotation does not do anything with the click.
    • getDisplayString

      public String getDisplayString()
      Description copied from interface: AnnotatedStringHandler
      Returns the String that represents the GUI presence of this option
      Specified by:
      getDisplayString in interface AnnotatedStringHandler
      the String to display in GUI components.
    • getPrototypeString

      public String getPrototypeString()
      Description copied from interface: AnnotatedStringHandler
      Returns an example string of how the annotation is used
      Specified by:
      getPrototypeString in interface AnnotatedStringHandler
      the example of how this is used.
    • getPrototypeString

      public String getPrototypeString(String displayText)
      Description copied from interface: AnnotatedStringHandler
      Returns an example string of how the annotation is used
      Specified by:
      getPrototypeString in interface AnnotatedStringHandler
      displayText - The text that may be wrapped, cannot be null
      the example of how this is used.