Class FieldHeader

All Implemented Interfaces:
ImageObserver, MenuContainer, Serializable, EventListener, Accessible, ChangeListener, SwingConstants

public class FieldHeader extends JTabbedPane implements ChangeListener
Class to manage the tabbed panel for field formats.
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • FieldHeader

      public FieldHeader(FormatManager formatMgr, IndexedScrollPane scroller, FieldPanel panel)
      Constructs a new FieldHeaderPanel
      formatMgr - the format manager to display tabbed panels for.
      scroller - the scroll model to coordinate the view for.
      panel - the field panel to use.
  • Method Details

    • stateChanged

      public void stateChanged(ChangeEvent ev)
      Specified by:
      stateChanged in interface ChangeListener
    • getActions

      public List<DockingActionIf> getActions(String ownerName)
    • getCurrentModel

      public FieldFormatModel getCurrentModel()
      Returns the currently tabbed model.
    • resetFormat

      public void resetFormat()
      Resets the currently tabbed model to its default format.
    • setSelectedFieldFactory

      public void setSelectedFieldFactory(FieldFactory factory)
      Sets the current tab to the given model.
      factory - the format model to make the current tab.
    • getSelectedFieldFactory

      public FieldFactory getSelectedFieldFactory()
    • resetAllFormats

      public void resetAllFormats()
      Resets all the format models to their default formats
    • getFieldHeaderLocation

      public FieldHeaderLocation getFieldHeaderLocation(Point p)
      Returns the a FieldHeaderLocation for the given point within the header.
    • getHeaderTab

      public FieldHeaderComp getHeaderTab()
      Returns the field header tab component.
    • setTabLock

      public void setTabLock(boolean b)
      Sets the tab lock so the tab won't reposition.
      b - true to set the lock, false to release the lock.
    • getFormatManager

      public FormatManager getFormatManager()
    • setViewComponent

      public void setViewComponent(JComponent centerComponent)