Class ListingComparisonFieldPanelCoordinator

All Implemented Interfaces:
ViewListener, DualListingFieldPanelCoordinator

public class ListingComparisonFieldPanelCoordinator extends LayoutLockedFieldPanelCoordinator implements DualListingFieldPanelCoordinator
Coordinates cursor location and scrolling between the two sides of a ListingCodeComparisonPanel.
  • Constructor Details

    • ListingComparisonFieldPanelCoordinator

      public ListingComparisonFieldPanelCoordinator(ListingCodeComparisonPanel dualListingPanel)
      Constructor for this dual listing field panel coordinator.
      dualListingPanel - the dual listing to be controlled by this coordinator.
  • Method Details

    • setCorrelation

      public void setCorrelation(ListingAddressCorrelation addressCorrelation)
      Sets a new address correlation for associating addresses between the left and right sides. The field panels can then be coordinated by locking the layouts together whenever the current location on one side can be correlated with a location on the other side.
      addressCorrelation - the correlation to use for locking the two sides together for scrolling.
    • leftLocationChanged

      public void leftLocationChanged(ProgramLocation leftLocation)
      Description copied from interface: DualListingFieldPanelCoordinator
      Method that gets called when the location changes in the left side's program listing.
      Specified by:
      leftLocationChanged in interface DualListingFieldPanelCoordinator
      leftLocation - the new location in the left side.
    • rightLocationChanged

      public void rightLocationChanged(ProgramLocation rightLocation)
      Description copied from interface: DualListingFieldPanelCoordinator
      Method that gets called when the location changes in the right side's program listing.
      Specified by:
      rightLocationChanged in interface DualListingFieldPanelCoordinator
      rightLocation - the new location in the right side.