Interface ListingAddressCorrelation

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public interface ListingAddressCorrelation
This is the interface for a correlator that associates addresses from one program with addresses from another program or it can associate addresses from one part of a program with addresses from another part of the same program. Given an address from the address set in the first program it determines the matching address from the address set for the second program if possible.
  • Method Details

    • getFirstProgram

      Program getFirstProgram()
      Gets the program containing the first set of addresses.
      the program for the first set of addresses.
    • getSecondProgram

      Program getSecondProgram()
      Gets the program containing the second set of addresses. This program may be different from or the same as the first program.
      the program for the second set of addresses.
    • getAddressesInFirst

      AddressSetView getAddressesInFirst()
      Gets the first set of addresses for this correlator.
      the first set of addresses.
    • getAddressesInSecond

      AddressSetView getAddressesInSecond()
      Gets the second set of addresses for this correlator.
      the second set of addresses.
    • getAddressInSecond

      Address getAddressInSecond(Address addressInFirst)
      Determine the address from the second set that matches the specified address in the first set.
      addressInFirst - the address in the first address set.
      the matching address in the second set or null if a match couldn't be determined.
    • getAddressInFirst

      Address getAddressInFirst(Address addressInSecond)
      Determine the address from the first set that matches the specified address in the second set.
      addressInSecond - the address in the second address set.
      the matching address in the first set or null if a match couldn't be determined.