Class GFileImpl

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class GFileImpl extends Object implements GFile
Base implementation of file in a filesystem.

Only valid while the owning filesystem object is still open and not closed.

See GFile.

  • Constructor Details

    • GFileImpl

      protected GFileImpl(GFileSystem fileSystem, GFile parentFile, boolean isDirectory, long length, FSRL fsrl)
      Protected constructor, use static helper methods to create new instances.

      Creates a new GFile instance without any name parsing.

      fileSystem - the GFileSystem that owns this file
      parentFile - the parent of the new GFile or null if child-of-root.
      isDirectory - boolean flag to indicate that this is a directory
      length - length of the file (use -1 if not know or specified).
      fsrl - FSRL to assign to the file.
  • Method Details

    • fromPathString

      public static GFileImpl fromPathString(GFileSystem fileSystem, String path, FSRL fsrl, boolean isDirectory, long length)
      Creates a GFile for a filesystem using a string path (ie. "dir/subdir/filename"), with the path starting at the root of the filesystem.

      The parents of this GFile are created fresh from any directory names in the path string. It is better to use the fromFilename(GFileSystem, GFile, String, boolean, long, FSRL) method to create GFile instances if you can supply the parent value as that will allow reuse of the parent objects instead of duplicates of them being created for each file with the same parent path.

      fileSystem - the GFileSystem that owns this file
      path - forward slash '/' separated path and filename string.
      fsrl - FSRL to assign to the file, NULL if an auto-created FSRL is ok.
      isDirectory - boolean flag to indicate that this is a directory
      length - length of the file (use -1 if not know or specified).
      a new GFileImpl
    • fromPathString

      public static GFileImpl fromPathString(GFileSystem fileSystem, GFile parent, String path, FSRL fsrl, boolean isDirectory, long length)
      Creates a GFile for a specific owning filesystem using a string path (ie. "dir/subdir/filename"), with the path starting at the supplied parent directory.

      The parents of this GFile are created fresh from any directory names in the path string. It is better to use the fromFilename(GFileSystem, GFile, String, boolean, long, FSRL) method to create GFile instances if you can supply the parent value as that will allow reuse of the parent objects instead of duplicates of them being created for each file with the same parent path.

      fileSystem - the GFileSystem that owns this file
      parent - the parent of the new GFile or null if child-of-root.
      path - forward slash '/' separated path and filename string.
      fsrl - FSRL to assign to the file, NULL if an auto-created FSRL is ok.
      isDirectory - boolean flag to indicate that this is a directory
      length - length of the file (use -1 if not know or specified).
      a new GFileImpl
    • fromFilename

      public static GFileImpl fromFilename(GFileSystem fileSystem, GFile parent, String filename, boolean isDirectory, long length, FSRL fsrl)
      Creates a GFile for a filesystem using a simple name (not a path) and as a child of the specified parent.

      The filename is accepted without checking or validation.

      fileSystem - the GFileSystem that owns this file
      parent - the parent of the new GFile or null if child-of-root.
      filename - the file's name, not used if FSRL param specified.
      isDirectory - boolean flag to indicate that this is a directory
      length - length of the file (use -1 if not know or specified).
      fsrl - FSRL to assign to the file, NULL if an auto-created FSRL is ok.
      a new GFileImpl
    • fromFSRL

      public static GFileImpl fromFSRL(GFileSystem fileSystem, GFile parent, FSRL fsrl, boolean isDirectory, long length)
      Creates a GFile for a filesystem using the information in a FSRL as the file's name and as a child of the specified parent.

      fileSystem - the GFileSystem that owns this file
      parent - the parent of the new GFile or null if child-of-root.
      fsrl - FSRL to assign to the file.
      isDirectory - boolean flag to indicate that this is a directory
      length - length of the file (use -1 if not know or specified).
      a new GFileImpl
    • getParentFile

      public GFile getParentFile()
      Description copied from interface: GFile
      The parent directory of this file.
      Specified by:
      getParentFile in interface GFile
      parent GFile directory of this file.
    • getName

      public String getName()
      Description copied from interface: GFile
      The name of this file.
      Specified by:
      getName in interface GFile
      name of this file.
    • isDirectory

      public boolean isDirectory()
      Description copied from interface: GFile
      Returns true if this is a directory.

      Specified by:
      isDirectory in interface GFile
      boolean true if this file is a directory, false otherwise.
    • getLength

      public long getLength()
      Description copied from interface: GFile
      Returns the length of this file, or -1 if not known.
      Specified by:
      getLength in interface GFile
      number of bytes in this file.
    • getFilesystem

      public GFileSystem getFilesystem()
      Description copied from interface: GFile
      The GFileSystem that owns this file.
      Specified by:
      getFilesystem in interface GFile
      GFileSystem that owns this file.
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object
    • getPath

      public String getPath()
      Description copied from interface: GFile
      The path and filename of this file, relative to its owning filesystem.
      Specified by:
      getPath in interface GFile
      path and filename of this file, relative to its owning filesystem.
    • setLength

      public void setLength(long length)
    • getFSRL

      public FSRL getFSRL()
      Description copied from interface: GFile
      The FSRL of this file.
      Specified by:
      getFSRL in interface GFile
      FSRL of this file.
    • hashCode

      public int hashCode()
      hashCode in class Object
    • equals

      public boolean equals(Object obj)
      equals in class Object