Class CmdLinePasswordProvider

All Implemented Interfaces:
CryptoProvider, PasswordProvider

public class CmdLinePasswordProvider extends Object implements PasswordProvider
A PasswordProvider that supplies passwords to decrypt files via the java jvm invocation.


java -Dfilesystem.passwords=/fullpath/to/textfile

The password file is a plain text tabbed-csv file, where each line specifies a password and an optional file identifier.

Example file contents, where each line is divided into fields by a tab character where the first field is the password and the second optional field is the file's identifying information (name, path, etc):

 password1   [tab] ← supplies a password for the named file located in any directory
 someOtherPassword   [tab]   /full/path/ ← supplies password for file at specified location 
 anotherPassword [tab]   file:///full/path/|zip:///subdir/in/zip/somefile.txt ← supplies password for file embedded inside a zip
 yetAnotherPassword ← a password to try for any file that needs a password
  • Field Details


      public static final String CMDLINE_PASSWORD_PROVIDER_PROPERTY_NAME
      See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • CmdLinePasswordProvider

      public CmdLinePasswordProvider()
  • Method Details

    • getPasswordsFor

      public Iterator<Password> getPasswordsFor(FSRL fsrl, String prompt, CryptoProvider.Session session)
      Description copied from interface: PasswordProvider
      Returns a sequence of passwords (ordered by quality) that may apply to the specified file.
      Specified by:
      getPasswordsFor in interface PasswordProvider
      fsrl - FSRL path to the password protected file
      prompt - optional prompt that may be displayed to a user
      session - a place to hold state values that persist across related queries
      Iterator of possible passwords