Class ToolUtils


public class ToolUtils extends Object
  • Field Details

  • Method Details

    • getUserToolsDirectory

      public static File getUserToolsDirectory()
    • getDefaultApplicationTools

      public static Set<ToolTemplate> getDefaultApplicationTools()
      Returns all tools found in the classpath that live under a root 'defaultTools' directory
      the default tools
    • getExtraApplicationTools

      public static Set<ToolTemplate> getExtraApplicationTools()
      Returns all tools found in the classpath that live under a root 'extraTools' directory
      the extra tools
    • getAllApplicationTools

      public static Set<ToolTemplate> getAllApplicationTools()
      Returns all tools found in the classpath that live under a root 'defaultTools' directory or a root 'extraTools' directory
      the tools
    • loadUserTools

      public static Map<String,ToolTemplate> loadUserTools()
    • removeInvalidPlugins

      public static void removeInvalidPlugins(ToolTemplate template)
    • deleteTool

      public static void deleteTool(ToolTemplate template)
    • renameToolTemplate

      public static void renameToolTemplate(ToolTemplate toolTemplate, String newName)
    • writeToolTemplate

      public static boolean writeToolTemplate(ToolTemplate template)
    • readToolTemplate

      public static ToolTemplate readToolTemplate(File toolFile)
    • readToolTemplate

      public static ToolTemplate readToolTemplate(String resourceFileName)
    • getUniqueToolName

      public static String getUniqueToolName(ToolTemplate template)
    • getToolFile

      public static File getToolFile(String name)
    • getApplicationToolDirPath

      public static String getApplicationToolDirPath()
      Returns the user's personal tool chest directory path
      the path