Class ClientUtil


public class ClientUtil extends Object
ClientUtil allows a user to connect to a Repository Server and obtain its handle.
  • Method Details

    • setClientAuthenticator

      public static void setClientAuthenticator(ClientAuthenticator authenticator)
      Set client authenticator
      authenticator - client authenticator instance
    • getClientAuthenticator

      public static ClientAuthenticator getClientAuthenticator()
      Get the currently installed client authenticator. If one has not been installed, this will trigger the installation of a default instance.
      current client authenticator
    • getRepositoryServer

      public static RepositoryServerAdapter getRepositoryServer(String host, int port)
      Connect to a Repository Server and obtain a handle to it. Based upon the server authentication requirements, the user may be prompted for a password via a Swing dialog. If a previous connection attempt to this server failed, the adapter may be returned in a disconnected state.
      host - server name or address
      port - server port, 0 indicates that default port should be used.
      repository server adapter
    • getRepositoryServer

      public static RepositoryServerAdapter getRepositoryServer(String host, int port, boolean forceConnect)
      Connect to a Repository Server and obtain a handle to it. Based upon the server authentication requirements, the user may be prompted for a password via a Swing dialog.
      host - server name or address
      port - server port, 0 indicates that default port should be used.
      forceConnect - if true and the server adapter is disconnected, an attempt will be made to reconnect.
      repository server handle
    • isConnected

      public static boolean isConnected(String host, int port)
      Determine if a connected RepositoryServerAdapter already exists for the specified server.
      host - server name or address
      port - server port, 0 indicates that default port applies.
      true if connection already exists, else false
    • clearRepositoryAdapter

      public static void clearRepositoryAdapter(String host, int port)
      Eliminate the specified repository server from the connection cache
      host - host name or IP address
      port - port (0: use default port)
    • getUserName

      public static String getUserName()
      Returns default user login name. Actual user name used by repository should be obtained from RepositoryServerAdapter.getUser
      default user name
    • handleException

      public static void handleException(RepositoryAdapter repository, Exception exc, String operation, boolean mustRetry, Component parent)
      Displays an error dialog appropriate for the given exception. If the exception is a ConnectException or NotConnectedException, a prompt to reconnect to the Ghidra Server is displayed.
      repository - may be null if the exception is not a RemoteException
      exc - exception that occurred
      operation - operation that was being done when the exception occurred; this string is be used in the message for the error dialog if one should be displayed
      mustRetry - true if the message should state that the user should retry the operation because it may not have succeeded (if the exception was because a RemoteException); there may be cases where the operation succeeded; as a result of the operation, a bad connection to the server was detected (e.g., save a file). Note: this parameter is ignored if the exception is not a ConnectException or NotConnectedException.
      parent - parent of the error dialog
    • handleException

      public static void handleException(RepositoryAdapter repository, Exception exc, String operation, Component parent)
      Displays an error dialog appropriate for the given exception. If the exception is a ConnectException or NotConnectedException, a prompt to reconnect to the Ghidra Server is displayed. The message states that the operation may have to be retried due to the failed connection.
      repository - may be null if the exception is not a RemoteException
      exc - exception that occurred
      operation - operation that was being done when the exception occurred; this string is be used in the message for the error dialog if one should be displayed
      parent - parent of the error dialog
    • promptForReconnect

      public static void promptForReconnect(RepositoryAdapter repository, Component parent)
      Prompt the user to reconnect to the Ghidra Server.
      repository - repository to connect to
      parent - parent of the dialog
    • checkGhidraServer

      public static void checkGhidraServer(String host, int port, TaskMonitor monitor) throws IOException, CancelledException
      Connect to a Ghidra Server and verify compatibility. This method can be used to effectively "ping" the Ghidra Server to verify the ability to connect. NOTE: Use of this method when PKI authentication is enabled is not supported.
      host - server hostname
      port - first Ghidra Server port (0=use default)
      monitor - cancellable monitor
      IOException - thrown if an IO Error occurs (e.g., server not found).
      RemoteException - if server interface is incompatible or another server-side error occurs.
      CancelledException - if connection attempt was cancelled
    • changePassword

      public static void changePassword(Component parent, RepositoryServerHandle handle, String serverInfo) throws IOException
      Prompt user and change password on server (not initiated by user).
      parent - dialog parent
      handle - server handle
      serverInfo - server information
      IOException - if error occurs while updating password
    • isSSHKeyAvailable

      public static boolean isSSHKeyAvailable()