Package ghidra.framework.client

package ghidra.framework.client
  • Class
    ClientUtil allows a user to connect to a Repository Server and obtain its handle.
    HeadlessClientAuthenticator provides the ability to install a Ghidra Server authenticator needed when operating in a headless mode.
    NotConnectedException indicates that the server connection is down.
    PasswordClientAuthenticator provides a fixed username/password authentication response when connecting to any Ghidra Server or accessing a protected PKI keystore.
    RemoteAdapterListener provides a listener interface which facilitates notifcation when the connection state of a remote server/repository adapter changes.
    RepositoryAdapter provides a persistent wrapper for a remote RepositoryHandle which may become invalid if the remote connection were to fail.
    RepositoryNotFoundException thrown when a failed connection occurs to a non-existing repository.
    RepositoryServerAdapter provides a persistent wrapper for a RepositoryServerHandle which may become invalid if the remote connection were to fail.