Class DefaultProjectData

All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:

public class DefaultProjectData extends Object implements ProjectData
Helper class to manage files within a project.
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • DefaultProjectData

      public DefaultProjectData(ProjectLocator localStorageLocator, boolean isInWritableProject, boolean resetOwner) throws NotOwnerException, IOException, LockException
      Constructor for existing projects.
      localStorageLocator - the location of the project
      isInWritableProject - true if project content is writable, false if project is read-only
      resetOwner - true to reset the project owner
      IOException - if an i/o error occurs
      NotOwnerException - if inProject is true and user is not owner
      LockException - if isInWritableProject is true and unable to establish project write lock (i.e., project in-use)
      FileNotFoundException - if project directory not found
    • DefaultProjectData

      public DefaultProjectData(ProjectLocator localStorageLocator, RepositoryAdapter repository, boolean isInWritableProject) throws IOException, LockException
      Constructor for a new project.
      localStorageLocator - the location of the project
      repository - a repository if this is a shared project or null if it is a private project
      isInWritableProject - true if project content is writable, false if project is read-only
      IOException - if an i/o error occurs
      LockException - if isInWritableProject is true and unable to establish project lock (i.e., project in-use)
  • Method Details

    • readProjectProperties

      public static Properties readProjectProperties(File projectDir)
      Read the contents of the project properties file to include the following values if relavent: "OWNER", "SERVER", "REPOSITORY_NAME", "PORT_NUMBER"
      projectDir - project directory (*.rep)
      project properties or null if invalid project directory specified
    • isLocked

      public static boolean isLocked(ProjectLocator locator)
      Determine if the specified project location currently has a write lock.
      locator - project storage locator
      true if project data current has write-lock else false
    • getMaxNameLength

      public int getMaxNameLength()
      Specified by:
      getMaxNameLength in interface ProjectData
      the maximum name length permitted for folders or items.
    • testValidName

      public void testValidName(String name, boolean isPath) throws InvalidNameException
      Description copied from interface: ProjectData
      Validate a folder/item name or path.
      Specified by:
      testValidName in interface ProjectData
      name - folder or item name
      isPath - if true name represents full path
      InvalidNameException - if name is invalid
    • getUser

      public User getUser()
      Description copied from interface: ProjectData
      Returns User object associated with remote repository or null if a remote repository is not used.
      Specified by:
      getUser in interface ProjectData
      current remote user identity or null
    • getLocalStorageClass

      public Class<? extends LocalFileSystem> getLocalStorageClass()
      Specified by:
      getLocalStorageClass in interface ProjectData
      local storage implementation class
    • getOwner

      public String getOwner()
      Returns the owner of the project that is associated with this DefaultProjectData. A value of null indicates an old multiuser project.
      the owner of the project
    • getRootFolder

      public GhidraFolder getRootFolder()
      Description copied from interface: ProjectData
      Returns the root folder of the project.
      Specified by:
      getRootFolder in interface ProjectData
      root DomainFolder within project.
    • getFolder

      public DomainFolder getFolder(String path)
      Description copied from interface: ProjectData
      Get domain folder specified by an absolute data path.
      Specified by:
      getFolder in interface ProjectData
      path - the absolute path of domain folder relative to the data folder.
      domain folder or null if folder not found
    • getFileCount

      public int getFileCount()
      Description copied from interface: ProjectData
      Get the approximate number of files contained within the project. The number may be reduced if not connected to the shared repository. Only the newer indexed file-system supports this capability, a value of -1 will be returned for older projects utilizing the mangled file-system or if an IO Error occurs. An approximate number is provided since the two underlying file systems are consulted separately and the local private file-system does not distinguish between checked-out files and private files. This number is currently intended as a rough sizing number to disable certain features when very large projects are in use. Generally the larger of the two file counts will be returned.
      Specified by:
      getFileCount in interface ProjectData
      number of project files or -1 if unknown.
    • getFile

      public DomainFile getFile(String path)
      Description copied from interface: ProjectData
      Get domain file specified by an absolute data path.
      Specified by:
      getFile in interface ProjectData
      path - the absolute path of domain file relative to the root folder.
      domain file or null if file not found
    • getFileByID

      public DomainFile getFileByID(String fileID)
      Description copied from interface: ProjectData
      Get domain file specified by its unique fileID.
      Specified by:
      getFileByID in interface ProjectData
      fileID - domain file ID
      domain file or null if file not found
    • releaseDomainFiles

      public void releaseDomainFiles(Object consumer)
    • findOpenFiles

      public void findOpenFiles(List<DomainFile> list)
      Finds all changed domain files and appends them to the specified list.
      Specified by:
      findOpenFiles in interface ProjectData
      list - the list to receive the changed domain files
    • getProjectLocator

      public ProjectLocator getProjectLocator()
      Description copied from interface: ProjectData
      Returns the projectLocator for the this ProjectData.
      Specified by:
      getProjectLocator in interface ProjectData
      project locator object
    • addDomainFolderChangeListener

      public void addDomainFolderChangeListener(DomainFolderChangeListener l)
      Description copied from interface: ProjectData
      Adds a listener that will be notified when any folder or file changes in the project.
      Specified by:
      addDomainFolderChangeListener in interface ProjectData
      l - the listener to be notified of folder and file changes.
    • removeDomainFolderChangeListener

      public void removeDomainFolderChangeListener(DomainFolderChangeListener l)
      Description copied from interface: ProjectData
      Removes the listener to be notified of folder and file changes.
      Specified by:
      removeDomainFolderChangeListener in interface ProjectData
      l - the listener to be removed.
    • getPrivateFileSystem

      public FileSystem getPrivateFileSystem()
    • getRepository

      public RepositoryAdapter getRepository()
      Description copied from interface: ProjectData
      Return the repository for this project data.
      Specified by:
      getRepository in interface ProjectData
      null if the project is not associated with a repository
    • refresh

      public void refresh(boolean force) throws IOException
      Description copied from interface: ProjectData
      Sync the Domain folder/file structure with the underlying file structure.
      Specified by:
      refresh in interface ProjectData
      force - if true all folders will be be visited and refreshed, if false only those folders previously visited will be refreshed.
      IOException - if an IO error occurs
    • convertProjectToShared

      public void convertProjectToShared(RepositoryAdapter newRepository, TaskMonitor monitor) throws IOException, CancelledException
      Description copied from interface: ProjectData
      Convert a local project to a shared project. NOTE: The project should be closed and then reopened after this method is called.
      Specified by:
      convertProjectToShared in interface ProjectData
      newRepository - the repository that the project will be associated with.
      monitor - task monitor
      IOException - thrown if files under version control are still checked out, or if there was a problem accessing the filesystem
      CancelledException - if the conversion was cancelled while versioned files were being converted to private files.
    • updateRepositoryInfo

      public void updateRepositoryInfo(RepositoryAdapter newRepository, boolean force, TaskMonitor monitor) throws IOException, CancelledException
      Description copied from interface: ProjectData
      Update the repository for this project; the server may have changed or a different repository is being used. Any existing checkout which is not recognized/valid by newRepository will be terminated and a local .keep file created. NOTE: The project should be closed and then reopened after this method is called.
      Specified by:
      updateRepositoryInfo in interface ProjectData
      newRepository - new repository to use
      force - if true any existing local checkout which is not recognized/valid for newRepository will be forceably terminated if offline with old repository.
      monitor - task monitor
      IOException - thrown if files are still checked out, or if there was a problem accessing the filesystem
      CancelledException - if the user canceled the update
    • hasInvalidCheckouts

      public boolean hasInvalidCheckouts(List<DomainFile> checkoutList, RepositoryAdapter newRepository, TaskMonitor monitor) throws IOException, CancelledException
      Determine if any domain files listed does not correspond to a checkout in the specified newRespository.
      Specified by:
      hasInvalidCheckouts in interface ProjectData
      checkoutList - project domain files to check
      newRepository - repository to check against before updating
      monitor - task monitor
      true if one or more files are not valid checkouts in newRepository
      IOException - if IO error occurs
      CancelledException - if task cancelled
    • findCheckedOutFiles

      public List<DomainFile> findCheckedOutFiles(TaskMonitor monitor) throws IOException, CancelledException
      Find all project files which are currently checked-out
      Specified by:
      findCheckedOutFiles in interface ProjectData
      monitor - task monitor (no progress updates)
      list of current checkout files
      IOException - if IO error occurs
      CancelledException - if task cancelled
    • getSharedProjectURL

      public URL getSharedProjectURL()
      Description copied from interface: ProjectData
      Generate a repository URL which corresponds to this project data if applicable. Local private projects will return null;
      Specified by:
      getSharedProjectURL in interface ProjectData
      repository URL which corresponds to this project data or null if not applicable.
    • getLocalProjectURL

      public URL getLocalProjectURL()
      Description copied from interface: ProjectData
      Generate a local URL which corresponds to this project data if applicable. Remote transient project data will return null;
      Specified by:
      getLocalProjectURL in interface ProjectData
      local URL which corresponds to this project data or null if not applicable.
    • getUserDataFilename

      public static String getUserDataFilename(String associatedFileID)
      Returns the standard user data filename associated with the specified file ID.
      associatedFileID - the file id
      user data filename
    • makeValidName

      public String makeValidName(String name)
      Description copied from interface: ProjectData
      Transform the specified name into an acceptable folder or file item name. Only an individual folder or file name should be specified, since any separators will be stripped-out. NOTE: Uniqueness of name within the intended target folder is not considered.
      Specified by:
      makeValidName in interface ProjectData
      valid name or "unknown" if no valid characters exist within name provided
    • getProjectDir

      public File getProjectDir()
    • isClosed

      public boolean isClosed()
    • isDisposed

      public boolean isDisposed()
    • close

      public void close()
      Description copied from interface: ProjectData
      Initiate disposal of this project data object. Any files already open will delay disposal until they are closed. NOTE: This should only be invoked by the controlling object which created/opened this instance to avoid premature disposal.
      Specified by:
      close in interface ProjectData
    • dispose

      protected void dispose()
      Immediately dispose this project data store instance. If this project has an associated RepositoryAdapter it will be disconnected as well. This method should generally not be used directly when there may be open DomainObject instances which may rely on an associated server connection. The Object.clone() method should be used when open DomainObject instances may exist and should be allowed to persist until they are closed.
    • updateFileIndex

      public void updateFileIndex(GhidraFileData fileData)
      Update the file index for the specified file data
      fileData - file data
    • removeFromIndex

      public void removeFromIndex(String fileID)
      Remove specified fileID from index.
      fileID - the file ID
    • getProjectDisposalMonitor

      public TaskMonitor getProjectDisposalMonitor()
      Get monitor which will be cancelled if project is closed
      cancel monitor