Class LocalFileSystem

All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:
IndexedLocalFileSystem, MangledLocalFileSystem

public abstract class LocalFileSystem extends Object implements FileSystem
LocalFileSystem provides access to FolderItem's which exist within a File-based directory structure. Although FolderItem caching is highly recommended, it is not provided by this implementation and should be provided by an encompassing set of folder/file objects.

A LocalFileSystem may optionally support version control of its FolderItem's. When versioned, FolderItem's must be checked-out to create new versions. When not versioned, the check-out mechanism is not used.

FileSystemListener's will only be notified of changes made by the associated LocalFileSystem instance. For this reason, it is important that proper measures are taken to prevent concurrent modification of the underlying files/directories by another instance or by any other means.

  • Field Details


      public static final char HIDDEN_DIR_PREFIX_CHAR
      Hidden directory name prefix. Should only be prepended to an escaped base-name.
      See Also:

      public static final String HIDDEN_DIR_PREFIX

      public static final String HIDDEN_ITEM_PREFIX
      Hidden item name prefix.
      See Also:
    • root

      protected final File root
    • isVersioned

      protected final boolean isVersioned
    • readOnly

      protected final boolean readOnly
    • eventManager

      protected final FileSystemEventManager eventManager
  • Constructor Details

    • LocalFileSystem

      protected LocalFileSystem(String rootPath, boolean isVersioned, boolean readOnly, boolean enableAsyncronousDispatching) throws FileNotFoundException
      rootPath - root path directory.
      isVersioned - if true item versioning will be enabled.
      readOnly - if true modifications within this file-system will not be allowed and result in an ReadOnlyException
      enableAsyncronousDispatching - if true a separate dispatch thread will be used to notify listeners. If false, blocking notification will be performed.
      FileNotFoundException - if specified rootPath does not exist
    • LocalFileSystem

      protected LocalFileSystem()
      Constructor for an empty read-only file-system.
  • Method Details

    • getLocalFileSystem

      public static LocalFileSystem getLocalFileSystem(String rootPath, boolean create, boolean isVersioned, boolean readOnly, boolean enableAsyncronousDispatching) throws IOException
      Construct a local filesystem for existing data
      rootPath -
      create -
      isVersioned -
      readOnly -
      enableAsyncronousDispatching -
      local filesystem
      FileNotFoundException - if specified rootPath does not exist
      IOException - if error occurs while reading/writing index files
    • getUserName

      public String getUserName()
      Description copied from interface: FileSystem
      Get user name associated with this filesystem. In the case of a remote filesystem this will correspond to the name used during login/authentication. A null value may be returned if user name unknown.
      Specified by:
      getUserName in interface FileSystem
    • cleanupAfterConstruction

      protected void cleanupAfterConstruction()
    • setAssociatedRepositoryLogger

      public void setAssociatedRepositoryLogger(RepositoryLogger repositoryLogger)
      Associate file system with a specific repository logger
      repositoryLogger -
    • log

      protected void log(LocalFolderItem item, String msg, String user)
    • setValidationRequired

      public static void setValidationRequired()
      If set, the state of folder item resources will be continually refreshed. This is required if multiple instances exist for a single item. The default is disabled. This feature should be enabled for testing only since it may have a significant performance impact. This does not provide locking which may be required for a shared environment (e.g., checkin locking is only managed by a single instance).
    • isRefreshRequired

      public static boolean isRefreshRequired()
      true if folder item resources must be refreshed.
      See Also:
    • isVersioned

      public boolean isVersioned()
      Description copied from interface: FileSystem
      Returns true if the file-system requires check-outs when modifying folder items.
      Specified by:
      isVersioned in interface FileSystem
    • isOnline

      public boolean isOnline()
      Description copied from interface: FileSystem
      Returns true if file-system is on-line.
      Specified by:
      isOnline in interface FileSystem
    • isReadOnly

      public boolean isReadOnly()
      Description copied from interface: FileSystem
      Returns true if file-system is read-only.
      Specified by:
      isReadOnly in interface FileSystem
    • findItemStorage

      protected abstract LocalFileSystem.ItemStorage findItemStorage(String folderPath, String itemName) throws FileNotFoundException
      Find an existing storage location
      folderPath -
      itemName -
      storage location. A non-null value does not guarantee that the associated item actually exists.
    • allocateItemStorage

      protected abstract LocalFileSystem.ItemStorage allocateItemStorage(String folderPath, String itemName) throws IOException, InvalidNameException
      Allocate a new storage location
      folderPath -
      itemName -
      storage location
      DuplicateFileException - if item path has previously been allocated
      IOException - if invalid path/item name specified
      InvalidNameException - if folderPath or itemName contains invalid characters
    • deallocateItemStorage

      protected abstract void deallocateItemStorage(String folderPath, String itemName) throws IOException
      Deallocate item storage
      folderPath -
      itemName -
    • getItemNames

      public abstract String[] getItemNames(String folderPath, boolean includeHiddenFiles) throws IOException
    • getItemNames

      public String[] getItemNames(String folderPath) throws IOException
      Description copied from interface: FileSystem
      Returns a list of the folder item names contained in the given folder.
      Specified by:
      getItemNames in interface FileSystem
      folderPath - the path of the folder.
      a list of folder item names.
    • getItem

      public LocalFolderItem getItem(String folderPath, String name) throws IOException
      Description copied from interface: FileSystem
      Returns the FolderItem in the given folder with the given name
      Specified by:
      getItem in interface FileSystem
      folderPath - the folder path containing the item.
      name - the name of the item.
      the FolderItem with the given folderPath and name, or null if it doesn't exist.
      IOException - if IO error occurs.
    • fileIdChanged

      protected void fileIdChanged(PropertyFile propertyFile, String oldFileId) throws IOException
      Notification that FileID has been changed within propertyFile
      propertyFile -
      oldFileId -
    • getItem

      Description copied from interface: FileSystem
      Returns the FolderItem specified by its unique File-ID
      Specified by:
      getItem in interface FileSystem
      fileID - the items unique file ID
      the FolderItem with the given folderPath and name, or null if it doesn't exist.
      IOException - if IO error occurs.
      UnsupportedOperationException - if file-system does not support this operation
    • getItems

      public LocalFolderItem[] getItems(String folderPath) throws IOException
      Description copied from interface: FileSystem
      Returns a list of the folder items contained in the given folder.
      Specified by:
      getItems in interface FileSystem
      folderPath - the path of the folder.
      a list of folder items.
    • createDatabase

      public LocalDatabaseItem createDatabase(String parentPath, String name, String fileID, BufferFile bufferFile, String comment, String contentType, boolean resetDatabaseId, TaskMonitor monitor, String user) throws InvalidNameException, IOException, CancelledException
      Description copied from interface: FileSystem
      Create a new database item within the specified parent folder using the contents of the specified BufferFile.
      Specified by:
      createDatabase in interface FileSystem
      parentPath - folder path of parent
      name - new database name
      fileID - file ID to be associated with new database or null
      bufferFile - data source
      comment - version comment (used for versioned file system only)
      contentType - application defined content type
      resetDatabaseId - if true database ID will be reset for new Database
      monitor - allows the database copy to be monitored and cancelled.
      user - name of user creating item (required for versioned item)
      new DatabaseItem
      InvalidNameException - if the name does not have all alphanumerics
      FileNotFoundException - thrown if parent folder does not exist.
      DuplicateFileException - if a folder item exists with this name
      IOException - if an IO error occurs.
      CancelledException - if cancelled by monitor
    • createTemporaryDatabase

      public LocalDatabaseItem createTemporaryDatabase(String parentPath, String name, String fileID, BufferFile bufferFile, String contentType, boolean resetDatabaseId, TaskMonitor monitor) throws InvalidNameException, IOException, CancelledException
    • createDatabase

      public LocalManagedBufferFile createDatabase(String parentPath, String name, String fileID, String contentType, int bufferSize, String user, String projectPath) throws InvalidNameException, IOException
      Description copied from interface: FileSystem
      Create a new empty database item within the specified parent folder. If this is a versioned file-system, the associated item is checked-out. The resulting checkoutId can be obtained from the returned buffer file.
      Specified by:
      createDatabase in interface FileSystem
      parentPath - folder path of parent
      name - new database name
      fileID - file ID to be associated with new database or null
      contentType - application defined content type
      bufferSize - buffer size. If copying an existing BufferFile, the buffer size must be the same as the source file.
      user - name of user creating item (required for versioned item)
      projectPath - path of project in which database is checked-out (required for versioned item)
      an empty BufferFile open for read-write.
      InvalidNameException - if the name does not have all alphanumerics
      FileNotFoundException - thrown if parent folder does not exist.
      DuplicateFileException - if a folder item exists with this name
      IOException - if an IO error occurs.
    • createDataFile

      public LocalDataFile createDataFile(String parentPath, String name, InputStream istream, String comment, String contentType, TaskMonitor monitor) throws InvalidNameException, IOException, CancelledException
      Description copied from interface: FileSystem
      Creates a new empty data file within the specified parent folder.
      Specified by:
      createDataFile in interface FileSystem
      parentPath - folder path of parent
      name - new data file name
      istream - source data
      comment - version comment (used for versioned file system only)
      contentType - application defined content type
      monitor - progress monitor (used for cancel support, progress not used since length of input stream is unknown)
      new data file
      InvalidNameException - if the name has illegal characters. all alphanumerics
      DuplicateFileException - Thrown if a folderItem with that name already exists.
      IOException - if an IO error occurs.
      CancelledException - if cancelled by monitor
    • createFile

      public LocalDatabaseItem createFile(String parentPath, String name, File packedFile, TaskMonitor monitor, String user) throws InvalidNameException, IOException, CancelledException
      Description copied from interface: FileSystem
      Creates a new file item from a packed file. The content/item type must be determined from the input stream.
      Specified by:
      createFile in interface FileSystem
      parentPath - folder path of parent
      name - new data file name
      packedFile - packed file data
      monitor - progress monitor (used for cancel support, progress not used since length of input stream is unknown)
      user - name of user creating item (required for versioned item)
      new item
      InvalidNameException - if the name has illegal characters. all alphanumerics
      IOException - if an IO error occurs.
      CancelledException - if cancelled by monitor
    • moveItem

      public void moveItem(String folderPath, String name, String newFolderPath, String newName) throws IOException, InvalidNameException
      Description copied from interface: FileSystem
      Moves the specified item to a new folder.
      Specified by:
      moveItem in interface FileSystem
      folderPath - path of folder containing the item.
      name - name of the item to be moved.
      newFolderPath - path of folder where item is to be moved.
      FileNotFoundException - if the item does not exist.
      DuplicateFileException - if item with the same name exists within the new parent folder.
      FileInUseException - if the item is in-use or checked-out
      IOException - if an IO error occurs.
      InvalidNameException - if the newName is invalid
    • folderExists

      public abstract boolean folderExists(String folderPath)
      Description copied from interface: FileSystem
      Returns true if the folder specified by the path exists.
      Specified by:
      folderExists in interface FileSystem
      folderPath - the name of the folder to check for existence.
      true if the folder exists.
    • fileExists

      public boolean fileExists(String folderPath, String name)
      Description copied from interface: FileSystem
      Returns true if the file exists
      Specified by:
      fileExists in interface FileSystem
      folderPath - the folderPath of the folder that may contain the file.
      name - the name of the file to check for existence.
    • addFileSystemListener

      public void addFileSystemListener(FileSystemListener listener)
      Description copied from interface: FileSystem
      Adds the given listener to be notified of file system changes.
      Specified by:
      addFileSystemListener in interface FileSystem
      listener - the listener to be added.
    • removeFileSystemListener

      public void removeFileSystemListener(FileSystemListener listener)
      Description copied from interface: FileSystem
      Removes the listener from being notified of file system changes.
      Specified by:
      removeFileSystemListener in interface FileSystem
    • getMaxNameLength

      public abstract int getMaxNameLength()
      the maximum name length permitted for folders or items.
    • testValidName

      public void testValidName(String name, boolean isPath) throws InvalidNameException
      Validate a folder/item name or path.
      name - folder or item name
      isPath - if true name represents full path
      InvalidNameException - if name is invalid
    • isValidNameCharacter

      public static boolean isValidNameCharacter(char c)
      true if c is a valid character within the FileSystem.
    • deleteEmptyVersionedFolders

      protected void deleteEmptyVersionedFolders(String folderPath)
      Remove the directory which corresponds to the specified folder path if it is empty. If folder directory is removed, this method is invoked recursively for parent folder path which may also be removed if it is empty. This method is intended for use with a versioned file system which only retains folders if they contain one or more items or sub-folders.
      folderPath - folder path
    • itemDeleted

      protected void itemDeleted(String folderPath, String itemName) throws IOException
      Notify the filesystem that the property file and associated data files for an item have been removed from the filesystem.
      folderPath -
      itemName -
    • getPath

      protected static final String getPath(String parentPath, String name)
      Returns the full path for a specific folder or item
      parentPath - full parent path
      name - child folder or item name
    • getParentPath

      protected static final String getParentPath(String path)
    • getName

      protected static final String getName(String path)
    • isShared

      public boolean isShared()
      Description copied from interface: FileSystem
      Returns true if this file system is shared
      Specified by:
      isShared in interface FileSystem
    • dispose

      public void dispose()
      Description copied from interface: FileSystem
      Cleanup and release resources
      Specified by:
      dispose in interface FileSystem
    • checkDisposed

      protected void checkDisposed() throws IOException
      Check to see if file-system has been disposed.
      IOException - if file-system has been disposed
    • migrationInProgress

      public boolean migrationInProgress()
    • isHiddenDirName

      public static final boolean isHiddenDirName(String name)
      Determines if the specified storage directory name corresponds to a hidden directory (includes both system and application hidden directories).
      name - directory name as it appears on storage file system.
      true if name is a hidden name, else false
    • escapeHiddenDirPrefixChars

      public static final String escapeHiddenDirPrefixChars(String name)
      Escape hidden prefix chars in name
      name -
      escaped name
    • unescapeHiddenDirPrefixChars

      public static final String unescapeHiddenDirPrefixChars(String name)
      Unescape a non-hidden directory name
      name -
      unescaped name or null if name is a hidden name