Class LinkedGhidraFolder

All Implemented Interfaces:
DomainFolder, LinkedDomainFolder, Comparable<DomainFolder>

public class LinkedGhidraFolder extends Object
LinkedGhidraFolder provides the base LinkedDomainFolder implementation which corresponds to a project folder-link (see FolderLinkContentHandler).
  • Field Details

  • Method Details

    • getProjectURL

      public URL getProjectURL()
      Get the Ghidra URL of the project/repository folder referenced by this object
      Ghidra URL of the project/repository folder referenced by this object
    • getLinkedPathname

      public String getLinkedPathname()
      Get the pathname of this folder within the linked-project/repository
      absolute linked folder path within the linked-project/repository
    • getProjectLocator

      public ProjectLocator getProjectLocator()
      Description copied from interface: DomainFolder
      Returns the local storage location for the project that this DomainFolder belongs to.
      Specified by:
      getProjectLocator in interface DomainFolder
      the locator
    • getProjectData

      public ProjectData getProjectData()
      Description copied from interface: DomainFolder
      Returns the project data
      Specified by:
      getProjectData in interface DomainFolder
      the project data
    • getParent

      public DomainFolder getParent()
      Description copied from interface: DomainFolder
      Return parent folder or null if this DomainFolder is the root folder.
      Specified by:
      getParent in interface DomainFolder
      the parent
    • toString

      public String toString()
    • getIcon

      public Icon getIcon(boolean isOpen)
      Description copied from interface: LinkedDomainFolder
      Get the appropriate icon for this folder
      Specified by:
      getIcon in interface LinkedDomainFolder
      isOpen - true if open icon, false for closed
      folder icon
    • isLinked

      public boolean isLinked()
      Description copied from interface: DomainFolder
      Determine if this folder corresponds to a linked-folder.
      true if folder corresponds to a linked-folder, else false.
    • isInWritableProject

      public boolean isInWritableProject()
      Description copied from interface: DomainFolder
      Returns true if this file is in a writable project.
      Specified by:
      isInWritableProject in interface DomainFolder
      true if writable
    • getName

      public String getName()
      Description copied from interface: DomainFolder
      Return this folder's name.
      Specified by:
      getName in interface DomainFolder
      the name
    • getLinkedFolder

      public DomainFolder getLinkedFolder() throws IOException
      Description copied from interface: LinkedDomainFolder
      Get the real domain folder which corresponds to this linked-folder.
      Specified by:
      getLinkedFolder in interface LinkedDomainFolder
      domain folder
      IOException - if an IO error occurs
    • compareTo

      public int compareTo(DomainFolder df)
      Specified by:
      compareTo in interface Comparable<DomainFolder>
    • setName

      public DomainFolder setName(String newName) throws InvalidNameException, IOException
      Description copied from interface: DomainFolder
      Set the name on this domain folder.
      Specified by:
      setName in interface DomainFolder
      newName - domain folder name
      renamed domain file (the original DomainFolder object becomes invalid since it is immutable)
      InvalidNameException - if newName contains illegal characters
      DuplicateFileException - if a folder named newName already exists in this files domain folder.
      FileInUseException - if any file within this folder or its descendants is in-use / checked-out.
      IOException - thrown if an IO or access error occurs.
    • getSharedProjectURL

      public URL getSharedProjectURL()
      Description copied from interface: DomainFolder
      Get a remote Ghidra URL for this domain folder if available within an associated shared project repository. URL path will end with "/". A null value will be returned if shared folder does not exist and may also be returned if shared repository is not connected or a connection error occurs.
      Specified by:
      getSharedProjectURL in interface DomainFolder
      remote Ghidra URL for this folder or null
    • getLocalProjectURL

      public URL getLocalProjectURL()
      Description copied from interface: DomainFolder
      Get a local Ghidra URL for this domain file if available within the associated non-transient local project. A null value will be returned if project is transient.
      Specified by:
      getLocalProjectURL in interface DomainFolder
      local Ghidra URL for this folder or null if transient or not applicable
    • getPathname

      public String getPathname()
      Description copied from interface: DomainFolder
      Returns the full path name to this folder
      Specified by:
      getPathname in interface DomainFolder
      the path name
    • getFolders

      public[] getFolders()
      Description copied from interface: DomainFolder
      Get DomainFolders in this folder. This may return cached information and does not force a full refresh.
      Specified by:
      getFolders in interface DomainFolder
      list of sub-folders
    • getFolder

      public getFolder(String name)
      Description copied from interface: DomainFolder
      Return the folder for the given name.
      Specified by:
      getFolder in interface DomainFolder
      name - of folder to retrieve
      folder or null if there is no folder by the given name.
    • getFiles

      public DomainFile[] getFiles()
      Description copied from interface: DomainFolder
      Get all domain files in this folder. This may return cached information and does not force a full refresh.
      Specified by:
      getFiles in interface DomainFolder
      list of domain files
    • getLinkedFileNoError

      public DomainFile getLinkedFileNoError(String name)
      Get the true file within this linked folder.
      name - file name
      file or null if not found or error occurs
    • getFile

      public DomainFile getFile(String name)
      Description copied from interface: DomainFolder
      Get the domain file in this folder with the given name.
      Specified by:
      getFile in interface DomainFolder
      name - name of file in this folder to retrieve
      domain file or null if there is no domain file in this folder with the given name.
    • isEmpty

      public boolean isEmpty()
      Description copied from interface: DomainFolder
      Determine if this folder contains any sub-folders or domain files.
      Specified by:
      isEmpty in interface DomainFolder
      true if this folder is empty.
    • createFile

      Description copied from interface: DomainFolder
      Add a domain object to this folder.
      Specified by:
      createFile in interface DomainFolder
      name - domain file name
      obj - domain object to be stored
      monitor - progress monitor
      domain file created as a result of adding the domain object to this folder
      InvalidNameException - if name is an empty string or if it contains characters other than alphanumerics.
      DuplicateFileException - thrown if the file name already exists
      IOException - if IO or access error occurs
      CancelledException - if the user cancels the create.
    • createFile

      public DomainFile createFile(String name, File packFile, TaskMonitor monitor) throws InvalidNameException, IOException, CancelledException
      Description copied from interface: DomainFolder
      Add a new domain file to this folder.
      Specified by:
      createFile in interface DomainFolder
      name - domain file name
      packFile - packed file containing domain file data
      monitor - progress monitor
      domain file created as a result of adding the domain object to this folder
      InvalidNameException - if name is an empty string or if it contains characters other than alphanumerics.
      DuplicateFileException - thrown if the file name already exists
      IOException - if IO or access error occurs
      CancelledException - if the user cancels the create.
    • createFolder

      public DomainFolder createFolder(String name) throws InvalidNameException, IOException
      Description copied from interface: DomainFolder
      Create a subfolder within this folder.
      Specified by:
      createFolder in interface DomainFolder
      name - sub-folder name
      the new folder
      InvalidNameException - if name is an empty string of if it contains characters other than alphanumerics.
      DuplicateFileException - if a folder by this name already exists
      IOException - if IO or access error occurs
    • delete

      public void delete() throws IOException
      Description copied from interface: DomainFolder
      Deletes this folder, if empty, from the local filesystem
      Specified by:
      delete in interface DomainFolder
      IOException - if IO or access error occurs
      FolderNotEmptyException - Thrown if this folder is not empty.
    • moveTo

      public DomainFolder moveTo(DomainFolder newParent) throws IOException
      Description copied from interface: DomainFolder
      Move this folder into the newParent folder. If connected to a repository this moves both private and repository folders/files. If not connected, only private folders/files are moved.
      Specified by:
      moveTo in interface DomainFolder
      newParent - new parent folder within the same project
      the newly relocated folder (the original DomainFolder object becomes invalid since it is immutable)
      DuplicateFileException - if a folder with the same name already exists in newParent folder.
      FileInUseException - if this folder or one of its descendants contains a file which is in-use / checked-out.
      IOException - thrown if an IO or access error occurs.
    • copyTo

      public DomainFolder copyTo(DomainFolder newParent, TaskMonitor monitor) throws IOException, CancelledException
      Description copied from interface: DomainFolder
      Copy this folder into the newParent folder.
      Specified by:
      copyTo in interface DomainFolder
      newParent - new parent folder
      monitor - the task monitor
      the new copied folder
      DuplicateFileException - if a folder or file by this name already exists in the newParent folder
      IOException - thrown if an IO or access error occurs.
      CancelledException - if task monitor cancelled operation.
    • copyToAsLink

      public DomainFile copyToAsLink(DomainFolder newParent) throws IOException
      Description copied from interface: DomainFolder
      Create a new link-file in the specified newParent which will reference this folder (i.e., linked-folder). Restrictions:
      • Specified newParent must reside within a different project since internal linking is not currently supported.
      If this folder is associated with a temporary transient project (i.e., not a locally managed project) the generated link will refer to the remote folder with a remote Ghidra URL, otherwise a local project storage path will be used.
      Specified by:
      copyToAsLink in interface DomainFolder
      newParent - new parent folder where link-file is to be created
      newly created domain file (i.e., link-file) or null if link use not supported.
      IOException - if an IO or access error occurs.
    • setActive

      public void setActive()
      Description copied from interface: DomainFolder
      Allows the framework to react to a request to make this folder the "active" one.
      Specified by:
      setActive in interface DomainFolder