Class FolderLinkContentHandler

All Implemented Interfaces:
ContentHandler<>, ExtensionPoint

public class FolderLinkContentHandler extends LinkHandler<>
FolderLinkContentHandler provide folder-link support. Implementation relies on AppInfo.getActiveProject() to provide life-cycle management for related transient-projects opened while following folder-links.
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • FolderLinkContentHandler

      public FolderLinkContentHandler()
  • Method Details

    • createFile

      public long createFile(FileSystem fs, FileSystem userfs, String path, String name, DomainObject obj, TaskMonitor monitor) throws IOException, InvalidNameException, CancelledException
      Description copied from interface: ContentHandler
      Creates a new folder item within a specified file-system. If fs is versioned, the resulting item is marked as checked-out within the versioned file-system. The specified domainObj will become associated with the newly created database.
      fs - the file system in which to create the folder item
      userfs - file system which contains associated user data
      path - the path of the folder item
      name - the name of the new folder item
      obj - the domain object to store in the newly created folder item
      monitor - the monitor that allows the user to cancel
      checkout ID for new item
      IOException - if an IO error occurs or an unsupported domainObject implementation is specified.
      InvalidNameException - if the specified name contains invalid characters
      CancelledException - if the user cancels
    • getContentType

      public String getContentType()
      Description copied from interface: ContentHandler
      Returns a unique content-type identifier
      content type identifier for associated domain object(s).
    • getContentTypeDisplayString

      public String getContentTypeDisplayString()
      Description copied from interface: ContentHandler
      A string that is meant to be presented to the user.
      user friendly content type for associated domain object(s).
    • getDomainObjectClass

      public Class<> getDomainObjectClass()
      Description copied from interface: ContentHandler
      Returns domain object implementation class supported.
      implementation class for the associated DomainObjectAdapter implementation.
    • getIcon

      public Icon getIcon()
      Description copied from class: LinkHandler
      Get the base icon for this link-file which does not include the link overlay icon.
      Specified by:
      getIcon in interface ContentHandler<>
      Specified by:
      getIcon in class LinkHandler<>
      base icon to be used for a DomainFile with the associated content type.
    • getDefaultToolName

      public String getDefaultToolName()
      Description copied from interface: ContentHandler
      Returns the name of the default tool/template that should be used to open this content type.
      associated default tool name for this content type
    • getReadOnlyLinkedFolder

      public static LinkedGhidraFolder getReadOnlyLinkedFolder(DomainFile folderLinkFile) throws IOException
      Get linked domain folder
      folderLinkFile - folder-link file.
      LinkedGhidraFolder referenced by specified folder-link file or null if folderLinkFile content type is not "FolderLink".
      IOException - if an IO or folder item access error occurs