Class VersionControlDataTypeArchiveUndoCheckoutAction

All Implemented Interfaces:
DockingActionIf, HelpDescriptor

public class VersionControlDataTypeArchiveUndoCheckoutAction extends VersionControlAction
Action to undo checkouts for domain files in the repository.
  • Constructor Details

    • VersionControlDataTypeArchiveUndoCheckoutAction

      public VersionControlDataTypeArchiveUndoCheckoutAction( plugin, ArchiveProvider provider)
      Creates an action to undo checkouts for domain files in the repository.
      plugin - the plug-in that owns this action.
      provider - provides a list of domain files to be affected by this action.
  • Method Details

    • actionPerformed

      public void actionPerformed(DomainFileContext context)
      Specified by:
      actionPerformed in class DomainFileProviderContextAction
    • isEnabledForContext

      public boolean isEnabledForContext(DomainFileContext context)
      isEnabledForContext in class DomainFileProviderContextAction
    • undoCheckOut

      protected void undoCheckOut()
      Gets the domain files from the provider and then undoes the checkout on any that are checked out.
    • undoCheckOuts

      protected void undoCheckOuts(List<> unmodifiedArchivesList, List<> modifiedArchivesList) throws CancelledException
      Displays the undo checkout confirmation dialog for each checked out file and then undoes the checkout while keeping a copy of the working version of the file if the user chooses to do so.
      All unmodified checkouts will be undone. Only modified checkouts the user chooses will be undone.
      unmodifiedArchivesList - the list of unmodified archives
      modifiedArchivesList - the list of archives that have been modified
      CancelledException - if cancelled
    • saveCheckOutChanges

      protected void saveCheckOutChanges(List<DomainFile> changedList) throws CancelledException
      Saves all checked out changes.
      changedList - the list of changes
      CancelledException - if cancelled