Class VersionControlAction

All Implemented Interfaces:
DockingActionIf, HelpDescriptor
Direct Known Subclasses:
VersionControlAddAction, VersionControlCheckInAction, VersionControlCheckOutAction, VersionControlDataTypeArchiveUndoCheckoutAction, VersionControlShowHistoryAction, VersionControlUndoCheckOutAction, VersionControlUndoHijackAction, VersionControlUpdateAction, VersionControlViewCheckOutAction

public abstract class VersionControlAction extends DomainFileProviderContextAction
VersionControlAction is an abstract class that can be extended by each specific version control action to be taken on a domain file.
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • isAddToPopup

      public boolean isAddToPopup(DomainFileContext context)
      Returns true if there is at least one of the provided domain files can be or is version controlled.
      isAddToPopup in class DomainFileProviderContextAction
    • isFileSystemBusy

      protected boolean isFileSystemBusy()
      True if the file system is locked by another thread for a long running operation
      true if locked
    • checkRepositoryConnected

      protected boolean checkRepositoryConnected()
      NOTE: do not call this from a non-Swing thread.
      true if the repository is null or is connected.