Class VersionHistoryPanel

All Implemented Interfaces:
Draggable, ImageObserver, MenuContainer, Serializable, Accessible

public class VersionHistoryPanel extends JPanel implements Draggable
Panel that shows version history in a JTable
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • VersionHistoryPanel

      public VersionHistoryPanel(PluginTool tool, DomainFile domainFile) throws IOException
      tool - tool
      domainFile - domain file; may be null
      IOException - if there was a problem accessing the version history
  • Method Details

    • setDomainFile

      public void setDomainFile(DomainFile domainFile)
      Set the domain file to show its history. If file not found a null file will be set.
      domainFile - the file
    • getDomainFile

      public DomainFile getDomainFile()
      Get current domain file
      current domain file
    • getDomainFilePath

      public String getDomainFilePath()
      Get current domain file path or null
      domain file path
    • addListSelectionListener

      public void addListSelectionListener(ListSelectionListener selectionListener)
      Add the list selection listener to the history table
      selectionListener - the listener
    • removeListSelectionListener

      public void removeListSelectionListener(ListSelectionListener selectionListener)
      Remove the list selection listener from history table.
      selectionListener - the listener
    • getSelectedVersion

      public Version getSelectedVersion()
      Get the selected Version.
      selected Version or null if no selection
    • isVersionSelected

      public boolean isVersionSelected()
      Determine if a version selection has been made.
      true if version selection has been made, esle false
    • getSelectedVersionNumber

      public int getSelectedVersionNumber()
      Get the selected version number or DomainFile.DEFAULT_VERSION if no selection.
      selected version number
    • dragCanceled

      public void dragCanceled(DragSourceDropEvent event)
      Description copied from interface: Draggable
      Method called when the drag operation exits the drop target without dropping.
      Specified by:
      dragCanceled in interface Draggable
      event - TODO
    • getDragAction

      public int getDragAction()
      Description copied from interface: Draggable
      Get the drag actions supported by this drag source:
      • DnDConstants.ACTION_MOVE
      • DnDConstants.ACTION_COPY
      • DnDConstants.ACTION_COPY_OR_MOVE
      Specified by:
      getDragAction in interface Draggable
      the drag actions
    • getDragSourceListener

      public DragSourceListener getDragSourceListener()
      Description copied from interface: Draggable
      Called by the DragGestureAdapter to start the drag.
      Specified by:
      getDragSourceListener in interface Draggable
    • getTransferable

      public Transferable getTransferable(Point p)
      Description copied from interface: Draggable
      Get the object to transfer.
      Specified by:
      getTransferable in interface Draggable
      p - location of object to transfer
      object to transfer
    • isStartDragOk

      public boolean isStartDragOk(DragGestureEvent e)
      Description copied from interface: Draggable
      Return true if the object at the location in the DragGesture event is draggable.
      Specified by:
      isStartDragOk in interface Draggable
      e - event passed to a DragGestureListener via its dragGestureRecognized() method when a particular DragGestureRecognizer detects a platform dependent Drag and Drop action initiating gesture has occurred on the Component it is tracking.
      See Also:
    • move

      public void move()
      Description copied from interface: Draggable
      Do the move operation; called when the drag and drop operation completes.
      Specified by:
      move in interface Draggable
      See Also:
    • createPopupActions

      public List<DockingActionIf> createPopupActions()