Interface ToolServices

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface ToolServices
Services that the Tool uses.
  • Field Details

  • Method Details

    • closeTool

      void closeTool(PluginTool tool)
      Notify the framework that the tool is closing.
      tool - tool that is closing
    • saveTool

      void saveTool(PluginTool tool)
      Saves the tool's configuration in the standard tool location.
      tool - tool to save.
    • exportTool

      Save the tool to the given location on the local file system.
      tool - the tool template to write
      the file to which the tool was saved
      FileNotFoundException - thrown if the file's directory doesn't exist.
      IOException - thrown if there is an error writing the file.
    • getToolChest

      ToolChest getToolChest()
      Get the tool chest for the project
      the tool chest
    • getDefaultToolTemplate

      ToolTemplate getDefaultToolTemplate(DomainFile domainFile)
      Returns the default/preferred tool template which should be used to open the specified domain file, whether defined by the user or the system default.
      domainFile - The file whose preferred tool should be found.
      The preferred tool that should be used to open the given file or null if none found.
    • getDefaultToolTemplate

      ToolTemplate getDefaultToolTemplate(String contentType)
      Returns the default/preferred tool template which should be used to open the specified domain file content type, whether defined by the user or the system default.
      contentType - The content type whose preferred tool should be found.
      The preferred tool that should be used to open the given file or null if none found.
    • getCompatibleTools

      Set<ToolTemplate> getCompatibleTools(Class<? extends DomainObject> domainClass)
      Returns a set of tools that can open the given domain file class.
      domainClass - The domain file class type for which to get tools
      the tools
    • getContentTypeToolAssociations

      Set<ToolAssociationInfo> getContentTypeToolAssociations()
      Returns the associations, which describe content types and the tools used to open them, for all content types known to the system.
      the associations
      See Also:
    • setContentTypeToolAssociations

      void setContentTypeToolAssociations(Set<ToolAssociationInfo> infos)
      Sets the associations, which describe content types and the tools used to open them, for the system.
      infos - The associations to be applied
      See Also:
    • launchDefaultTool

      PluginTool launchDefaultTool(Collection<DomainFile> domainFiles)
      Launch the default tool and open the specified domainFiles. NOTE: running tool reuse is implementation dependent
      domainFiles - the files to open. A null or empty list will results in an immediate return of a null PluginTool. Null entries are not permitted.
      the launched tool. Null returned if a suitable default tool for the file content type was not found or failed to launch.
    • launchTool

      PluginTool launchTool(String toolName, Collection<DomainFile> domainFiles)
      Launch the tool with the given name and open the specified domainFiles. Only those domainFiles with a content type supported by the specified tool will be opened. NOTE: running tool reuse is implementation dependent.
      toolName - name of the tool template to launch or re-use
      domainFiles - the files to open; may be null or empty. Null entries are not permitted.
      the resulting tool or null if the specified tool was not found or failed to launch
    • launchDefaultToolWithURL

      PluginTool launchDefaultToolWithURL(URL ghidraUrl)
      Launch the default tool and open the specified Ghidra URL resource. The tool chosen will be based upon the content type of the specified resource. NOTE: running tool re-use is implementation dependent
      ghidraUrl - resource to be opened (see GhidraURL)
      the launched tool. Null returned if a failure occurs while accessing the specified resource or a suitable default tool for the file content type was not found.
      IllegalArgumentException - if URL protocol is not supported. Currently, only the ghidra protocol is supported.
    • launchToolWithURL

      PluginTool launchToolWithURL(String toolName, URL ghidraUrl)
      Launch the tool with the given name and attempt to open the specified Ghidra URL resource.
      toolName - name of the tool to launch
      ghidraUrl - resource to be opened (see GhidraURL)
      the requested tool or null if the specified tool not found.
      IllegalArgumentException - if URL protocol is not supported. Currently, only the ghidra protocol is supported.
    • getRunningTools

      PluginTool[] getRunningTools()
      Return array of running tools
      array of Tools
    • canAutoSave

      boolean canAutoSave(PluginTool tool)
      Returns true if this tool should be saved base on the state of other running instances of the same tool
      tool - the tool to check for saving
      true if the tool should be saved